"Kim W5TIT" wrote in message
"N2EY" wrote in message
Here's an update on various estimates of when Morse code testing will be
eliminated in the US. Note that four predicted dates are in the past.
WA2SI: September 13, 2003
KF6TPT: September 29, 2003
KC8EPO: December 31, 2003
K2UNK: January 1, 2004
K2ASP: March 15, 2004
AA2QA: April 1, 2004
N2EY: April 15, 2004
N3KIP: May 1, 2004
KC8PMX: July 1, 2004
WA2ISE: August 1, 2004
K3LT: September 15, 2004
WK3C: December 30, 2004
N8UZE: July 1, 2005
KB3EIA: July 5, 2007 ("minimum 4 years from date of requirement drop")
W5TIT: June 1, 2008
Closest date (before or after) wins. Anyone else?
73 de Jim, N2EY
WAIT...oh, I was going to change this to show that it is posted from Kim
Walker but, oh my gosh look! It says "From Kim Walker" in the list and,
gosh, let me check now--yep, that pesky little Header has my Yahoo email
address *just like always* and, why just look at that, it even has the same
routing information as always.
It's obvious up front, surely, to anyone not *searching* for the sake of
disagreement and dislike, that this is from anyone but Jim/N2EY. And, it's
obvious, since *I posted to him once and asked him to include my callsign,*
that I am simply adding my callsign to the list. And, of course it's
obvious, right up front from the "From" line, then by further investigation
(if some stupido really needed to go further) into the Header, that this was
sent by someone other than Jim/N2EY.
So, I guess I will no longer have to even bother with those who can't see
the obvious.
Oh, yeah: Kim W5TIT