Thread: The Pool
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Old January 10th 04, 05:21 PM
Posts: n/a

"N2EY" wrote in message
In article , "Kim"

Jim is disrespectful to me to make it look like I am not an amateur when

chooses not to associate me as an amateur when I've made a conscious
decision to participate in something he's providing for fun.

There was no disrespect intended, Kim. If you feel disrespected that's

perception, not my intent.

Of *course* it's my perception--and *that's* the only one that counts, from
my perspective.

I deliberately, with no malice, and consciously deleted the attributes of

original message simply to include my callsign in the list.

At first, you simply changed the quoted text *without* changing the

so it looked like I wrote something I did not write. I chalked that one up

a simple typo and said nothing.

That was *your* perception, not my intention.

Then, you peeled off *all* the symbols, including the one by my
signature line, so it looked like I had signed a post you made.

It may have looked that way to a lot of folks. However, quick observation
(to an astute individual anyway) revealed the [refrain: sarcasm and
demonstrated indignation with which that entire action was meant to relay].

I don't give a hoot if you, the Usenet police, Jim, or any other person

a problem with that.

If you do not respect Usenet conventions, why should anyone respect
your desire to have your callsign included? You want respect that
you do not give others.

You've been disrespectful since you began posting that list without my
callsign. I daresay you made a conscious to *be* disrespectful when you did
that: as evidenced by your statement, something to the effect of you could
not believe no one has noticed it until now.

I've requested that Jim just plain remove my name and prediction from the

Done. No problem.


If he cannot accept me as an amateur radio operator, equal in every
way but license class to any other amateur, then I deliberately, with no
malice, and respectfully abstain from regarding *him* at all.

I have *always* accepted you as an amateur radio operator, Kim. But
I do not post your callsign because I think you made an inappropriate

And, what if I suddenly decided that you made an inappropriate choice about
something and decided to start calling you George, or Stan because I think
"Jim" is too disrespectful for the community of man? My callsign *may* (and
I wholeheartedly disagree with you) be inappropriate for amateur radio;
however, it is my callsign. You have at times offered to communicate with
me over the amateur bands, Jim. Did you intend on embarking upon a
communication refraining from using my callsign? THAT would be entirely
unacceptable to me. Would you throw away a QSL card from me?

If you are so affected by my callsign, why do you stop at just refusing to
"print" or enter it somewhere? If you object enough to demonstrate *any*
disrespect/shunning--whatever--then you should shun totally. You
demonstrated that you will only act upon your belief to the point at which
it is convenient for you.

But we hams are not "equal in every way but license class". Each of us
is better at some things than others. I'm sure there are things involving
amateur radio that you're better at than me, and there are probably things
involving amateur radio that I'm better at than you. So we are not equal

every way but license class.

And, I thnk you are totally incorrect about that. Each of us being better
at some things than others is exactly what makes us all equal in the wash.
I am exactly as important to my company as the CEO; in different aspects,
but nonetheless we are each as important as the other. The *only*
difference between me and the CEO of my company is that he makes more money
than I do. I am just as liable for actions and decisions I take at my
company as he/she is. I am just as able to be terminated as he/she is. I
am just as replaceable as he/she is. Each and every amateur is equal to the

I did not include your callsign in the list because I think that your

of callsign (even though it's legal) is inappropriate to the amateur radio
service. You *chose* that callsign, and the FCC would not have issued it

As I said, if you are so fixated upon demonstrating by deletion of my
callsign; then I dare you to carry further with that an shun me totally. In
fact, I implore it of you! It totally has me upset to think that you are so
affected, yet you communicate with me. (for those "unastute": that was

The fact that something is legal does not make it appropriate to do, or
in the best interests of all concerned.

73 de Jim, N2EY

Oh, blah, blah, blah....