Thread: New Q signs
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Old January 12th 04, 12:39 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article om, "Dee D.
Flint" writes:

"garigue" wrote in message

I've looked all through Part 97...and ALL volumes of Title 47 C.F.R.
and there is NOTHING applicable to Halloween, Christianity,
Christmas, New Years Day, or anything else in your post.

Here there be demons, of course, but the above has NOTHING to
do with ham radio or even amateur radio.

What dictionary are you using?

What alternate reality are you living in?


Oh-Oh Dee you have just violated Len's off topic rule. You better watch it
on the air when he .....wait he doesn't have a ticket. Oh well ....

God Bless 73 Tom KI3R

I long ago killfiled Len. And as the old commercial went "Plop, Plop, Oh
what a relief it is".

Sure you did.

Doing the ostrich bit keeps your thinking prim, proper, and along
the Established Paths of Amateur Righteousness. That will keep
you in the 1930s Standards and Practices of Behavior (with
allowance of solid-state show "state of the art").

Feel free to emulate a high-quality SPARK transmitter that was
capable only of on-off keying. Keeps Tradition alive well and
unhappy into this new millenium.

Hiram forbid that you should ever try to use another (shudder)
form of modulation in the Archaic Radiotelegraphy Service.