Hmmm - Mike, you have raised a couple of good points there
LOL! es 73, Leo
On Wed, 14 Jan 2004 09:39:14 -0500, Mike Coslo wrote:
Leo wrote:
Revision to Post:
Um, operator error - looks like I started typing on the wrong line,
just under Dee's header - this made the post look like it came from
Dee. (It also looks like Dee is replying to Dee......that ain't right
HOWL!!!!! Looks like the thread is not dead after all, Leo! 8^). It has
just mutated into another version of the never-ending debate of Kim's
So I think that we can come to the inescapable conclusion that if Ham
radio was invented today, it would consist mostly of debating the
relative merits of the callsign W5TIT.
So be it.
- Mike KB3EIA -