In article , Dave Heil
Len Over 21 wrote: might have been a Preview of Coming Attractions advertising
a new Sermon on the Antenna Mount by Rev. Jim. :-)
Hans is right. A bunch of sanctimonious Church Ladies trying to
manufacture disputes with their production lines all broken down.
What have your comments to do with elimination of morse testing in the
Amateur Radio Service (your only aim here)?
Someone shook your chains?
Are you the Moderator in here? (no, but you like to think so...)
Are you the Supreme Court (or Courtesan) of ham radio? (no, but
you act like it...)
Morse code is the heart and soul of all olde-tyme Hamme raddio
The olde-tyme hamme raddio peoples insist on morse code testing
forever and ever, amen.
What has morse code testing regulations to do with Herr Robust?
Not a single d**n thing.
Peas be unto you, whirled leader.