On Sat, 17 Jan 2004 16:00:59 GMT, Dave Heil
Leo wrote:
On Wed, 14 Jan 2004 21:49:08 GMT, Dave Heil
Leo wrote:
Jim, your debating style seems to be based almost entirely upon
diversion, circular logic, word games, smokescreening and sidestepping
of the main issue under discussion.
...and yours seems to be to set yourself up as an expert in debate while
taking the view that we're somehow obligated to be even handed toward
something which we find in poor taste.
Not at all - you have missed the point entirely. My condolences.
Yes, that looks like your mode: instant expert; proposals that we accept
what we find in bad taste. Your condolences aren't needed.
Not at all, Dave. Not an expert at all - just someone who believes in
treating people fairly, and isn't easily offended by mere words.
Keep the condolences, though.
I expected better from the man who
often speaks of principles and high standards of conduct in his posts.
Jim is quite obviously acting on his principles in this matter.
You think? 
Yes, I do. You must not think so as you "expected better" than for him
to do so.
You think?

The issue, as you are quite well aware, is your singling out of Kim in
a list. And not creating a level playing field out of courtesy to
her. Period. An issue which has been carefully avoided in all of your
responses so far.
What game are we playing which requires a level field? Kim wasn't being
courteous to others in her choice of callsign. Perhaps you'll want to
take her to task over it. She singled herself out in her choice of
And two wrongs somehow make a right? Of course she singled herself
out with that call. So what? Does that make her a "bad person",
somehow unfit for common courtesy, Dave?
Now she has to live with the fallout. Some will give her a *wink* or a
*chuckle*. Some will voice their disapproval.
Full figured women live with the risk of fallout every day, Dave -
it's a fact of life. 
*Wink* and *chuckle* on your part noted.
That was a smile, Dave - what wink and chuckle? Kim replied with some
valuable insight on this comment - please read what she wrote in her
previous post, and do your best to empathize with her reply.
Are you unable or unwilling to face up to this single issue? - or
shall we all continue merrily down the garden path with you? You are
fooling no one but yourself, Jim.
"It has always been a peculiarity of the human race that it keeps two
sets of morals in stock-the private and the real, and the public and
the artificial." - Mark Twain
So we're to believe that your private, real morals are better than those
you've exhibited here. It seems that you've set yourself up here to
defend bad taste.
Nope - just the right of one individual to be treated equally by the
others. Plain and simple.
So the Mark Twain quote isn't an accurate assessment of humankind?
It is, unfortunately. Did you read my reply, though? - I'll post it
again so you can have another run at it:
Nope - just the right of one individual to be treated equally by the
others. Plain and simple.
Do you disagree with this concept, Dave?
Dave K8MN
73, Leo