On Sun, 18 Jan 2004 16:04:55 GMT, Dave Heil
Leo wrote:
On Sat, 17 Jan 2004 16:00:59 GMT, Dave Heil
Leo wrote:
On Wed, 14 Jan 2004 21:49:08 GMT, Dave Heil
Now she has to live with the fallout. Some will give her a *wink* or a
*chuckle*. Some will voice their disapproval.
Full figured women live with the risk of fallout every day, Dave -
it's a fact of life. 
*Wink* and *chuckle* on your part noted.
That was a smile, Dave - what wink and chuckle? Kim replied with some
valuable insight on this comment - please read what she wrote in her
previous post, and do your best to empathize with her reply.
Given a choice between voicing disapproval and the *wink* and *chuckle*,
your choice has been obvious.
Really - what were you thinking of, Dave? Tsk, tsk.
Are you unable or unwilling to face up to this single issue? - or
shall we all continue merrily down the garden path with you? You are
fooling no one but yourself, Jim.
"It has always been a peculiarity of the human race that it keeps two
sets of morals in stock-the private and the real, and the public and
the artificial." - Mark Twain
So we're to believe that your private, real morals are better than those
you've exhibited here. It seems that you've set yourself up here to
defend bad taste.
Nope - just the right of one individual to be treated equally by the
others. Plain and simple.
So the Mark Twain quote isn't an accurate assessment of humankind?
It is, unfortunately. Did you read my reply, though? - I'll post it
again so you can have another run at it:
So your private morals must be at odds with your public morals.
Perhaps - are yours, Dave? I sincerely hope so.
Nope - just the right of one individual to be treated equally by the
others. Plain and simple.
Do you disagree with this concept, Dave?
Yes, I'll have to disagree with it. "Bill" is a good neighbor. "Pete"
lives on the other side of me. "Pete" has a dog which he allows to roam
freely. "Pete" refuses to control the dog and laughs when I tell him
that I object to his dog's use of my lawn for a toilet.
"Bill" asks if he can borrow my lawn mower. I lend it to him. A month
later, "Pete" asks if he might borrow the mower. I tell him "no". I've
not treated these individuals equally. It is my view that I'm not bound
to do so.
No, you certainly are not.
One question, though... did you put up posters all over the
neighbourhood to let everyone know what a jerk you thought Pete is?
Do you tell everyone that you meet that he is an inconsiderate boor?
Do you go to the mall with a bucket of the dog droppings and tell
everyone within earshot how wrong Pete is?
That would be OK to do, you know - you and Pete are not on the air!
Get real, "Leo".
I think, therefore I am, "Dave".
Dave K8MN
73, Leo