Thread: The Pool
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  #275   Report Post  
Old January 19th 04, 05:02 AM
Posts: n/a

Larry Roll K3LT wrote:

The Texas TWIT wrote:
I have no problem at all with your opinion, the opinion of Larry Roll, the
opinion of your wife.

Which is where you fall down, Kim. Anyone with a conscience would
care very much what people like JJ, Mrs. JJ, and I think of them.

Larry, this a major problem with our society today, people like kim who
don't care what anyone else thinks. Just as long as they can do whatever
they want and get what they want.

JJ's XYL doesn't require your respect, and I'm sure she doesn't expect it.
Moreover, the fact that you offer it may even offend her.

You got that right!

All I can say is, your husband is either a saint, or a wretchedly desperate
person who can not do any better than to be involved with a totally self-
absorbed, selfish, and inconsiderate person such as you appear to be.
After all, even after having your choice of a call sign condemned by one
of the FCC's top officials, you still refuse to "take the hint" and change it
to something more acceptable.

People of kim's status, never seem to "take the hint", it completely
escapes them.