.."Steve Robeson, K4CAP" wrote in message
(Hans K0HB) wrote in message
. com...
Part 97 does not assign me any responsibility to ensure that a
frenchman is operating inside his frequency allocations, only that I
am operating inside mine.
If a frenchman calls me on 6-meters I will certainly answer him since
F is a new band-country for me on 6.
Did any of you work the "Principality of Sealand" a few years back? (1SL
Pretty interesting story and kinda fun to watch the debate on eHAm and QRZ
rekindled a few years back. (Although it was the first time I'd ever heard
of it.) One camp refused to recognize them as a sovereign entity (Mostly
British) while the other camp's motto was WFWL. (Work First Worry Later) The
British govt. actually forbid their licensees to contact TPoS.
73 de Bert