In article . net, "Dwight
Stewart" writes:
"Kim W5TIT" wrote:
Actually, Dwight, the only "place"
that my callsign gets so much
discussion is right here in this
newsgroup. I have been involved
in a lot of stuff since I've had this
callsign--on the air, off the air,
women and men, served agencies,
hundreds of other amateurs. No
where, once, did my callsign ever
get discussed, and there was plenty
of opportunity. (snip)
I don't doubt that, Kim. The debate here only points to how far some in
this newsgroup are out of touch with reality.
Dwight, that's all too common in computer-modem "communications,"
just as it is with morse code beeping on ham band ragchews.
No real clues on a person, no human data input, just a lot of
imagination and too much concentration on the writer in a public
forum. Those with an agenda, a hatred of something/somebody,
living in a quasi-fantasyland, brainwashed into a different reality,
are all into their own "reality of sight and sound," just like a
Twilight Zone.
To those too caught up in the unreality don't have a hobby of ham
radio anymore, they have a Lifestyle and Belief. Any puncturing of
that fantasy will send them off into paroxysms of rage, offense at
imagined slights, and the usual bigot's demands of What is Right
Should Be Right.
U.S. amateur radio seems to be another center for national
misogyny. It is a hobby activity engaged in largely by white