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Old January 20th 04, 02:34 AM
Posts: n/a

WA8ULX wrote:
there statement on QST, to represent there true fellings. Instead of, QST
devoted entirely to Amateur Radio, it should read, QST devoted entirely to
CBAmateur Radio. At least it would be more correct.

The only thing that doesn't change is the illiterate, self-righteous dolts
like you bemoaning the latest change to ham radio.

Been there, heard most of it; SSB replacing AM is a disaster, 11m reassigned
to CB is a disaster, license restructuring (in several incantations) is a
disaster, elimination of morse testing is a disaster, elimination of essay
tests is a disaster...

Fortunately I missed the elimination of spark is a disaster ravings.

On and on you idiots rant and rage, yet the world doesn't end.

Opinionated morons like you is the reason I stopped going to ham clubs
35 years ago.

The real hams are the ones that help people without all the superior
attitude crap you constantly spew because your only accomplishment in life
is to pass a morse test.

Rave on and continue the name calling moron, I'm back to ignoring you and
your life partner's postings.

Jim Pennino

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