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Old January 20th 04, 03:10 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article ,
(Steve Robeson, K4CAP) writes:

(Len Over 21) wrote in message

Alternative Universe Probable Truisms

Majority of silliness snipped.

"Silly?" :-) In the eyes of a mighty macho morseman of the
amateur bands (HF) who had less than a half year experience in
the electronic industry, and whose radio education is derived
from the League publishings, I suppose it looks "silly." :-)

No problem for the rest of the radio world. They continued to evolve,
grow, advance, and discover things...and make profits on all that...
without any assistance from amateur radio.

Broadcasting, telephony (cordless and cellular), teleprinting ("data"),
imagery (from facsimile to JPG formats and more), modems (wired
and wireless), information theory, AM-FM-PM and composite
modulations all grew without any "pioneering" by amateurs.

10. Tens of thousands of electronic/radio hobbyists would be
bereft of Title, Status, Privilege of the Royal-equivalent.
Amateur Radio License that allowed them to add a callsign
behind their names to show how good and expert they were in
"radio." That would make it a bitter scene with many more
fights of the amateurs (minority) with professionals (majority).

But the fact is that Amateur Radio DID evolve the way it did, and
you are STILL not a licensee in it. Millions of Americans have had no
problem being involved at one time or another, but you, the
"electronics professional", can't seem to get past the front door.
Some professional.

Tsk, tsk, tsk...I didn't "try" to be a purchasing agent or a truck
driver either. Never tried...but I drove a deuce and a half with
minimal instruction and legal permission to do so from "authorities."

Professionals make money at their activities...that's why they are
called "professional." Amateurs don't...that's why they are called

Tsk, tsk...more claim you never said anything bad
about professionals yet there you go making nasty to pros again.

Sigh...think of the alternative. If I got an amateur radio license I
might turn into a bullying barbarian. It wouldn't be nice to have
TWO like you in the newsgroup, would it? :-)

You are still a pathological liar. That is archived and beyond
your Orwellian desires to rewrite history.

I didn't "rewrite history," Stebe. All the OTHER radio services I
wrote about took place in OUR reality, independently, without any
help from ARRL or amateur radio.

Everyone knows about AM and FM's very common
source of news and some entertainment. Television is and has more
impact than just audio. One in three Americans has a cell phone
subscription now (cell phones are little two-way radios!). Most
Americans know that communications satellites exist and have seen
live video from around the globe (comm sattelites have many little
radios in them). AMSAT has their own satellites but didn't invent

Commercial communications carriers developed Single Sideband out
of equipment used for long-distance wired telephony. Much much later
the military sponsored single-channel SSB communications...THEN it
became popular for amateur radio.

Mobile and handheld FM radio was "pioneered" by police departments
and the military, respectively. In broadcasting, FM popularity is due
to the pioneering of Ed Armstrong, the inventor (among many things)
of the superheterodyne receiver. The rise in popularity of all is due to
the manufacturers of radio equipment, the ones making it affordable.

You still spend countelss hours trolling for arguments that you
subsequently try to turn into a defensable "it's character
assassination" rants. Still doesn't work.

Tsk, tsk, tsk...calling others names like "pathological liar" is rather
much like character assassination to most anyone else... :-)

You are right, though, calling folks such names does NOT work
well. :-)

In the end, you are still more "outside" radio than a motivated
CBer, and never likely to understand why it is your infinite wisdom is
avoided like the plague.

So...telling the truth of history and experience in radio is NOT
true in your alternate reality? :-)

Truth is a "plague?"

If so, may dozens of "plagues" infest your mind with truth!

Might shock the heck out of you to learn truth but you DO have
access to sedatives to calm you down...

Sucks to be you, Lennie. Wake up and join humanity before Mrs
Putz has to plant you.

There's no "Mrs Putz" living at this address.

I've been a part of humanity for a few decades now and likely to continue
despite running across hate-filled, enraged gunnery nurses who try to
bully others on line.

Trying to insult my wife indirectly is not nice. It's your style but it
is not nice and doesn't work very well, does it?