"Dwight Stewart" wrote in message
"Larry Roll K3LT" wrote:
(snip) I would hardly refer to what
Riley Hollingsworth so elequently
stated as bringing the ARS "...one
step closer to extinction" as "living
life beautifully." That is the perverted
construct of an equally perverted
mind. (snip)
Do you still have the full text of that message from Hollingsworth,
If so, please post a copy so we can all see it. I know you posted it
but that was some time ago.
Dwight Stewart (W5NET)
Man, I wish I had it...I just looked and I don't. I had intereviewed Riley
for a local amateur newsletter and I think the issue of my callsign came up
on this newsgroup about a month or two later. I had posted the entire email
I'd sent to him, and his entire response. Maybe it can be searched on
Google...don't know.