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Old January 20th 04, 03:48 AM
Larry Roll K3LT
Posts: n/a

In article . net, "Dwight
Stewart" writes:

Do you still have the full text of that message from Hollingsworth, Larry?
If so, please post a copy so we can all see it. I know you posted it before,
but that was some time ago.

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)

Axe and ye shall receive:

Subject: Riley sez Kim taking the ARS "One step closer to extinction"
From: ospam (Larry Roll K3LT)
Date: 08 Jun 2000 14:37:47 GMT

In article 59B7203A07395FF0.50F2CC864D4ED7FE.54A4CB093D32584 ,
"Kim W5TIT" writes:

Probably more a thoughtful wish of the prefix I wish I'd been able to get.


Huh? This was even harder to decipher than your usually indecipherable
writing. Anyone who has survived elementary school grammar should
know it's best not to use a word like "wish" more than once in a
sentence -- particularly if it can be used as either a noun or a verb.
This causes confusion. However, since confusion seems to be your
normal state, I guess you think you can get away with it!


Speaking of callsigns, here's Riley's response after I wrote and told him I
was sorry for bothering him, since the FCC had already spoken on callsigns
at the Dayton Hamfest (the rest of the email is also with it):

While that's true, just because a person has a right to do something doesn't
mean it's right to do it on every occasion. While the call sign may fit the
constitution, for every instance where a parent or uncle or grandparent
doesn't want a young person to get involved in Ham Radio because of
something they hear on the bands, then you have taken the ARS one step
closer to extinction. Then we can sit around and debate what happened to
all those Amateur frequencies that industry bought at auction---debating, of
course, on the internet and cellular because that'll be all we have left.
The first amendment will still be alive and well, just as it is now, tho, if
that's any consolation.

Interesting. Sooo, Kim -- are you going to change your call sign
voluntarily, or are you going to, as Riley said, continue to take the ARS
"one step closer to extinction?" Think about it!

Years ago, I would have fought tooth and nail to preserve every single
kiloHertz of ham radio spectrum. However, because of the proliferation of
so-called "hams" like you, Kim, I now support the concept of wholesale
re-allocation of amateur radio spectrum to commercial broadcasting
and utility communications services which can make much more
productive, profitable, and socially beneficial use of it! As hams, we've
blown it -- big time -- and you, your attitude, and your callsign are the
best and most readily available example of every bad thing ham radio
has become!

Sooo -- enjoy your callsign. The FCC won't force you to change it --
that is something that can only come from you -- should you decide
to become a Real Ham and stop giving the rest of us a bad image!
I have complete confidence that you can change if you want to -- but
the action to do so must come out of your decision to do what's
right for people other than yourself.

73 de Larry, K3LT