Thread: The Pool
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Old January 20th 04, 08:09 PM
Dwight Stewart
Posts: n/a

"Len Over 21" wrote:

Dwight, that's all too common in
computer-modem "communications,"
just as it is with morse code beeping
on ham band ragchews.

No real clues on a person, no human
data input, just a lot of imagination and
too much concentration on the writer
in a public forum. Those with an
agenda, a hatred of something/somebody,
living in a quasi-fantasyland, brainwashed
into a different reality, are all into their
own "reality of sight and sound," just like
a Twilight Zone.

To those too caught up in the unreality
don't have a hobby of ham radio anymore,
they have a Lifestyle and Belief. Any
puncturing of that fantasy will send them
off into paroxysms of rage, offense at
imagined slights, and the usual bigot's
demands of What is Right Should Be
Right. (snip)

Well said, Len. I often find it amazing to read some of the messages here
after being distracted from the newsgroup for a few days. The attitudes and
realities here seem far out of touch with the realities of the world.

U.S. amateur radio seems to be another
center for national misogyny. It is a hobby
activity engaged in largely by white males.

I've thought about that many times and don't really see a problem with it.
As long as there isn't a widespread effort to intentionally exclude, not
everything in this world has to be all inclusive (to each his own). While
some will obviously always want to exclude, it isn't more commonplace in
Amateur Radio than elsewhere.

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)