"Moe" wrote:
The ARRL's latest licensing scheme is driven by money.
The league will achieve its goal by spreading cash to the correct
FCC managers. The FCC has no shortage of corrupt
management officials, ready to accept a bribe for anything.
And you know this, how?
Let's think this through. We're talking about ham radio, right?
Someone at ARRL is going to risk jail time to funnel personal or
League funds to corrupt FCC officials in the hope that by doing so,
the proposal will become reality. Then, when it does become reality,
there will be a HUGE increase in League membership, and said ARRL
person will presumably siphon off huge profits (again risking jail
time) and live the good life ever after.
Meanwhile, the FCC bureaucrats are going to risk their jobs and jail
time to accept these funds and push through this crazy proposal. Then,
they too will live the good life ever after. Oh yeah, that's real
Art Harris N2AH
(No fan of ARRl, but not stark raving mad either)