Thread: The Pool
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Old January 24th 04, 03:31 AM
Posts: n/a

Kim W5TIT wrote:

"JJ" wrote in message
Kim W5TIT wrote:

It's my opinion that my callsign would be totally innocuous unless


sat there and thought about it for a bit--if even then.

Oh come on! You chose that call sign on a dare because of the reference
to breasts. Are you going to attempt tell us you chose TIT for some
other reason?

Ummmmm, I did not choose T-I-T, I chose *W* *5* T-I-T. Wishing me to drop
my callsign would be about like telling Dolly Parton to cover up before she
gets on stage. Her boobs are one of her trademarks--at least to the public.
Oh, wait, you may find her vulgar also...


You stated in a previous post that you knew the callsign would get a
reaction, that is why the T-I-T part of your callsign was chosen. If it
is just another call sign, why did you expect a reaction?
Why didn't you choose some other suffix? Why TIT? Here is why in your
own words.

"I jokingly told my fellow hams one day (all men, of course) that it was
silly to get initials for a vanity callsign--one should put some real
punch into a vanity callsign."

You wanted some "punch" in your callsign, thus the suffix "TIT" as it
references your breasts, thus getting the attention and reaction you so
desperately want.

You also stated, "The fun that evolves out of it is a great bonus." In
other words you new the reactions it would give, and you enjoy the
comments about your callsign and it's reference to your breasts. If it
were just a callsign like any other, there wouldn't be any fun that
evolves out of it and a great bonus would it?

Extremely poor taste.