Thread: The Pool
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  #390   Report Post  
Old January 24th 04, 06:38 PM
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Dee D. Flint wrote:

"Kim W5TIT" wrote in message

"JJ" wrote in message
Kim W5TIT wrote:

It's my opinion that my callsign would be totally innocuous unless


sat there and thought about it for a bit--if even then.

Oh come on! You chose that call sign on a dare because of the reference
to breasts. Are you going to attempt tell us you chose TIT for some
other reason?

Ummmmm, I did not choose T-I-T, I chose *W* *5* T-I-T. Wishing me to drop
my callsign would be about like telling Dolly Parton to cover up before


gets on stage. Her boobs are one of her trademarks--at least to the


Oh, wait, you may find her vulgar also...


Dolly Parton does not make an issue of her breasts. Therefore there is no

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE

And I doubt if Dolly had a ham license she would apply for a call sign
with the suffix of "TIT", she has more class than that.