Thread: The Pool
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Old January 26th 04, 11:18 AM
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"Larry Roll K3LT" wrote in message


Very well said. I have no doubt that Kim chose her callsign with the
specific intent of inciting controversy. However, in so doing, she has
left herself open to others forming the opinion that she is simply a
no-class slag with absolutely no taste, self-respect, or sense of
propriety whatsoever.

From people such as yourself?! That's a joke!

Unfortunately, there is no way that she can
possibly dispel that perception unless she does the right thing and
changes her call sign to something more appropriate for a family-
oriented activity like amateur radio.

My callsign is as appropriate as anyone else's. Oh, I know you feel
differently but, like I have implied, people such as yourself just don't get
it. What of your rude, crude, obnoxious behavior, Larry? Oh, wait, you
think that's OK! ROFLMAO.

Only time will tell whether or
not she takes this advice to heart, and acts accordingly.

Time's told. It won't be changed, unless I ever decide to get K5TIT, but I
doubt I will.

if she intends to keep her present call sign, then she will always
be in the position of having to defend the indefensible.

Y' almost make that sound like you think having this callsign is
some kind of punishment or something. I don't defend my callsign at
all...why would the need arise? On the other hand, it's rather comical
people such as yourself are so compelled to react to a callsign, when your
very actions against other people are quite despicable and rather
embarrassing to the ARS. My callsign *may* be offensive to some people.
However, there's nothing equal to some of the personalities I see displayed
in this newsgroup and one can only hope they don't act like that on the air!

And as long
as there are still good, decent people involved in the ARS, her
arguments will fall on deaf ears.

73 de Larry, K3LT

Isn't that something?! The people I consider good, decent folks in the ARS,
don't have an issue with my callsign at all. Oh, by the way, isn't it
around that time of year that this thread get dropped again, Larry?