Thread: The Pool
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Old January 26th 04, 11:28 AM
Posts: n/a

"Dwight Stewart" wrote in message
"N2EY" wrote:

The days when the nests were all
empty by the time Mom and Dad
hit 50 are long gone, Dwight. And
that's in "typical" America.

That may be typical in your world. However, I haven't met a single 40 or
50 year old recently with a young child. In fact, I only remember meeting
one in my entire life - a couple with an adopted child. Whatever the case,

haven't seen it to be commonplace.

I know one guy from work that has his granddaughter living with him. Whew!
Man, that would be hell on earth in my opinion! I have raised kids and it
ain't happenin' again--at least not unless there are extremely unusual
circumstances. And, if the parents think they're moving back in...pah!!!!

There's one gal I know, who might even be a couple of years older than me,
who has around a nine year old daughter. And, it was deliberate! But, even
of people who are just acquaintences, that's all I know.

Why does that matter? You may have
noticed that I don't talk about my
domestic situation here.

It matters only in the context of the discussion - how many in our age
group have young children.

Suppose, just suppose, that I have 5
children ranging in age from toddlers to
teenagers. (I don't, but that's not the
point). Would you then say I was right
and Kim's call was inappropriate?

Have those supposed children also talked to Kim on the radio, hearing

callsign and making something out of it? Lets not discuss hypothetical
situations, Jim. Anything can be justified or condemned using that.

I'd only answer that my callsign is not inappropriate under any
circumstance. The word tit is (for the air on the ARS); however, the word
tit is never used by me...and I've never heard it used by anyone else.

And your source is?

Fifty years of life, meeting thousands in that period.

I've a feeling if it ain't issued from some form of almanac, governmental
statistic, or otherwise recorable device, it ain't acceptable as fact.

Do you consider that to be "old"?
I don't. I consider it to be "middle

Forty or fifty is certainly not young.

I don't think it's old, either, Dwight...and good heavens I certainly don't
act it!

Both. I say neither is appropriate.

Appropriate for what? As I said earlier, it's not my job to decide what

appropriate for others in this world, or demand they conform to my ideas

what is appropriate.

You and Kim keep using the term
"vukgar" rather than addressing
whether it's "appropriate".

I've addressed the issue of appropriateness several times.

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)

Yeah, I'd lay odds that this thread was "awakened" again this (late last)
year by Larry, mid-Winter boredom or whatever, and it's about the usual time
for it to be dying down.