Thread: Totally ticked.
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Old January 28th 04, 05:28 AM
Stephen Cowell
Posts: n/a

"Lloyd Davies The GREAT TIME LORD" wrote in message
.. .

"Dwight Stewart" wrote in message
"Mike" wrote:
(snip) Yet, I still would like to
know where the idea came from
about grandfathering techs with
no test.

I think you meant to say no "additional" written test, Mike. I suspect

idea comes from the fact that the current Technician license already

HF access with the simple addition of the code test. In other words, the
current Technician license exam already covers much of the material

for HF access. Therefore, it makes more sense to grandfather them into a
license class with HF access than into one without. Of course, that's

my take on it. If you really want to know why ARRL decided to do so, ask

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)

I agree with that answer. I had to take both the Novice and Tech written

get my Tech no-code. So what? I think it's a great idea to get on HF!!

I heartily agree... read on.

If you ever had to struggle through the period
of no-voice novice, you might never wish that
particular chore on anyone. I got my first Novice
in '75, and let it lapse due primarily to the lack
of voice priviliges (and no manuals for the
boatanchors I'd been given). CB was just a lot
more fun.

I got my second novice in '89, man, what a
difference! Sunspots were coming on, 10M
was hopping, and I worked for a commercial
radio shop. That's what Ham Radio is all about,
for me.... not hazing, but graduated challenges.

The greatest concern, and one which I don't think
has been addressed in this thread yet, is the fact
that our spectrum is in danger. We need more
occupants to help occupy it... and HF voice
priviliges are the only carrot left to put on the stick.
This is a graying hobby.