Thread: The Pool
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  #434   Report Post  
Old January 28th 04, 05:39 AM
Larry Roll K3LT
Posts: n/a

In article , "Kim W5TIT"

Huh? Well, I don't make an issue of my breasts, either. And, in addition,
I've heard many interviews and giggles wherein Dolly was either alluding to
or answering direct questions pertaining to her breasts.



You don't make an issue of your breasts? Then what is your call sign
all about? I clearly recall that you stated that since you consider yourself
to be particularly "well endowed," you took up some sort of challenge to
request that particular Vanity Call Sign for the purpose of creating interest
directed toward your breasts. Of course, I can understand your need to
create confusion over this issue, but an out-and-out lie like you made
above only serves to weaken your already thin credibility.

73 de Larry, K3LT