Thread: The Pool
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Old January 28th 04, 05:39 AM
Larry Roll K3LT
Posts: n/a

In article . net, "Dwight
Stewart" writes:

You're absolutely right, Dee. I do live in an environment where tits,
breasts, and other words to describe the human body are not outright, and
immediately, derogatory or vulgar - only a certain context makes them so.

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)


Let's try a little experiment that would serve to prove what you just said.
Sometime within the course of going about your daily duties, locate and
approach an attractive woman with a particularly voluptious bustline.
Say something like, "Hey, lady, I think you have a really nice set of
tits there!" Do not duck, cut and run, hold a police riot shield over your
face, or anything like that. Just stand there and take the consequences.
Bring a witness, then report back on what happens, if and when you
regain consciousness. (BTW, I don't recommend that you perform this
experiment on a woman who is escorted by a particularly large male

Anyone care to speculate on what the outcome may be?

73 de Larry, K3LT