Thread: The Pool
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Old January 30th 04, 04:23 AM
Larry Roll K3LT
Posts: n/a

In article , "Kim W5TIT"


There you go again, begging for this thread to be dropped! Whassamatta?
Getting tired of defending the indefensible? Running out of arguments?
Feeling like you're at the end of your rope? I thought so. Well, as it
happens, you know how to make this thread go away. Start acting like
an intelligent, mature, and decent human being, and get rid of that
obnoxious call sign!

73 de Larry, K3LT

OMYGAWD!!! "Begging for this thread to be dropped!"?????????? Larry,
puhleeze. You're not that stupid.

A) I do not defend my callsign: I like my callsign


You'd better like it, because plenty of other hams don't!

B) No "arguments" needed for my callsign. It's mine. Period.

Nobody is disputing that, for obvious reasons!

C) End of my rope?? Over a phucking callsign?

Now, now, Kim, no need to be crude, just because you know how!
Ooops, just remembered your call sign, so I guess that being crude
comes naturally.

Now, I *DARE* you to keep this callsign going beyond your usual
"time-of-year" spin with it.

I believe you mean this thread, and it will continue as long as there
are posts being made to it, by you, by me, and by other participants.
Isn't that how all threads work?

But, just to let you know up front, the I have
*no* intention of changing my callsign and I don't think I could get any
more decent a human than I am.

Get that sentence to the cleaners by noon tomorrow, and they'll have
it ready for you by Friday!

As to learning, I do that every day--thank
goodness. As to being intelligent, I think I speak too lofty for you now as
it is!

You "speak too lofty" for me? Right. Very intelligent. But only if you're
stacking up examples of ungrammatical sentences. Toss this one in the
laundry bag with the one above it.

Gads, you're getting hilarious.

I've been "hilarious" all of my life -- I have a great sense of humor!

Only thing is: we're packing to move so
this is the last I'll be on for a while!.

I see. Well, at least you won't need someone to help you sit on the
suitcase to get it closed!

I'll be back on sometime around
the first of March. Gonna have this thread still going, there, big fella?


If not, tell ya what, I'll drag it up again! ROFLMAO!!!

That's mighty nice of you! I'll hold you to that! Be careful during the

73 de Larry, K3LT