In article . net, "Dwight
Stewart" writes:
I don't think so. I don't know about you, but I don't go around
approaching strangers so I can comment about their breasts. However, during
the course of many conversations with female friends and associates over the
years, some of them have used the word "tits" and so have I in response.
Clearly, since the women led off with the use of that word, they obviously
were not offended by my use of it in response. Clearly, at lot of this
depends on the situation. With a stranger, if the subject even came up, only
the most polite words would be used. With a friend, more casual conversation
is acceptable. In my opinion, the woman always decides when that point is
Dwight Stewart (W5NET)
I have many female friends and acquaintences, and I almost never hear
the word "tits" used to describe their breasts. "Boobs," yes, occasionally,
but not the "t" word. I digress; this is about Kim, the reason why she
requested her call sign, and the unfavorable image it projects on others
who are, or may be, involved in the ARS. As a woman who presumes to be
taken seriously as an intelligent, competent woman of the modern era, she
is, in actuality, setting herself and all other women back to the time
when they were mere objects of prurient interest. Or could it be that
she really wants to be seen that way? Unfortunately, the image is
objectionable in any context, and it's effect on the ARS has the potential
to be exactly as Mr. Hollingsworth predicted.
73 de Larry, K3LT