You are really making life hard on yourself. For 20 meters put up a 20 meter
dipole, ditch the tuner and feed if with minimum of RG8X coax. Worry about
the other bands later. It is short enough, that the whole thing will be up
at least 35 feet.
"Ken Bessler" wrote in message
. ..
I'm planning on putting up a 130' inverted V antenna at my new QTH. I will
be operating QRP with my Yaesu FT-817 and LDG Z-11 autotuner. The top of
V will be about 40' in the air and the ends about 12' in the air. I will
using 16 ga wire for the antenna. I plan to operate SSB/CW/PSK31 mostly on
20 meters with some nighttime activity on SSB/CW 160 & 80 meters.
My question is this:
Should I feed it with 300 ohm HD twinlead, 450 ohm ladder line with or
without a Bal-Un or rg58 coax with or without a Balun?
Sorry if this is a dumb question but I wanted to pick the brains of the
experts. My thinking is to have the antenna
fed directly from rg58 coax (no Balun) and let the tuner do the work.
Feedline radiation causing RFI/TVI is not a real concern at 5w, right? The
'817 seems to be an acceptionaly clean transmitter - my TS200X and TS530S
cause RFI in telephones and PC speakers even when turned down to 5 watts -
my FT-817 causes no TVI/RFI at all!
72's de Ken KG0WX