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Old February 8th 04, 04:29 AM
Art Unwin KB9MZ
Posts: n/a

Reg I can't resist a follow up on your posting just at the point I was going
to give up messing with this newsgroup.
Anyway, I have to say I fully agree with what you have said. Fortunately my
antenna designs meets all the requirements.. I am anticipating it to be
published sometime this year. Why I am replying to your posting is to say I
am not wasting much time on this taper thing as I have better things to do
with my time.At the end of the year ..
I do have one problem however Reg, tho you won't see it that way, the
design is not in a book, which is going to be a real road block on this
group. So hang around for a few months Reg as many on this group cannot
think for them selves and thus will need some one like you to explain
things. Hopefully you will not have to delve into problems like current
taper The idea is dead over here that books should ONLY lead you so far
and then you procede into subjects on your own to new frontiers and not to
rest on your laurels once you get a degree and learn to be a parrot..
Looking forward to coming home for a short visit soon
but with the $ going down I may have to bring sandwiches
Cheers and beers mate
Art Unwin KB9MZ....XG

"Jack Painter" wrote in message
"Radiondistics" wrote in message

I'm sending a screenshot of that disgusting panty-waisted liberal garbage

their website to friends and contacts in the various armed services here

Norfolk, Virginia, in the hopes that this company never sells anything to
the U.S. Gov't or NATO.

Jack Painter