Hi gang!
Well, I've not been very active in the newsgroup since so much seems to be
the old flames, but in case anyone is interested, I received an email at
work. One of the hams passed along a note (names, of course, have been
removed) and it appears that BPL will be coming to Rochester, NY. Sigh. My
feeling is that the concept was fine, but everyone ignored the results of
raising standards. In any case, here is the snip from the email.
**** begin quote****
I don't know if you've seen the ARRL video of RFI due to BPL systems
but it is a very dramatic demo. My brother, who works at RGE, says it is
coming here. Pass this along to any other hams that might be interested.
The ARRL BPL video is at:
**** end quote****
Rochester Gas & Electric is, of course, the local gas and electric
distribution for my area.
I've had some fun on 440 and 10 meters too, but have not been active on the
lower HF bands since 1969. There are some folks that think this is an
amateur radio only problem; many of us know otherwise. I'm guessing I'll
have to put up a 10 meter beacon at the least for now, but would love to
have some serious input for suggestions. Obviously, I can make measurements
(and I'm hoping I might be able to talk *real* nice to those guys at the cal
lab I worked at some 8 years ago to make some measurements on calibrated
equipment - Open Air Test Site) and try whatever.
Meanwhile, if we could avoid the flames, some serious suggestions would be
most welcome from anyone (licensed or not).
73 from Rochester, NY
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