Paul W. Schleck wrote:
The .policy suffix was adopted specifically because it recognized the
broad range of laws, rules, regulations, consensus, private legal
contracts, organizational agendas, and even gentlemen's
agreements/understandings, that shape amateur radio.
Over the 13-year history of the .policy newsgroup, there have been many
energetically debated topic threads about policy in amateur radio other
than Morse code, including:
1. The legal consequences of using non-amateur radio communications
systems, or even amateur radio equipment out-of-band, in an emergency
2. FCC PRB-1 and its impact on outdoor antenna regulations and
3. The no-business rule of amateur radio, and its implications (a.k.a.,
"The Great Usenet Pizza Autopatch Debate")
4. The legal authority of frequency coordinators to enforce band plans
and usage, resolve interference disputes, or even refarm existing
analog FM voice repeaters to allow more room for other modes
like packet
5. Interference issues, including that between amateur radio and FCC Part
15-regulated devices, and now Broadband over Powerlines (BPL)
You forgot to add Kim's callsign!
You say that you have been participating on this newsgroup for about 7
years now. Haven't you noticed?
One might almost think the fellow is just here to bust people's chops.
Thanks for the history and Clarification, Paul.