Thread: The Pool
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Old February 4th 04, 10:39 PM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article , Paul W. Schleck

In (Len Over

21) writes:

In article , JJ


William wrote:

All of the portions of the band are CW portions.

True, one can operate CW in any portion of the band, but if you are in
the phone band, you can answer a CW station on phone, you don't have to
answer in CW as opposed to if you are in the portion of the band where
one can not use phone, ie., must use CW, thus the "CW" portion of the
band, you must answer in CW.

Reread the

post, it was talking about sending.

This purpose of this group is Morse Code testing.

It is? Since when? That topic is often discussed but just where does it
state the purpose of the group is Morse testing?

This newsgroup was CREATED for the sole purpose of removing
the morse code testing issue from


Sole purpose? It seems a bit silly to try to scope any newsgroup,
especially an unmoderated one, to a "sole purpose." Nevertheless, if
you want to follow that line of argument, the historical record
disagrees with you.

It "disagrees" all depending on which Google quoting is used! :-)

During the discussion period preceding the newsgroup vote in 1991 that
realigned the rec.ham-radio.* newsgroups under*:

several other topics were brought up other than Morse code that could
(and eventually did) go into this newsgroup. Phil Howard, KA9WGN, did a
nice job of summarizing them:

I'm sure. :-)


Over the 13-year history of the .policy newsgroup, there have been many
energetically debated topic threads about policy in amateur radio other
than Morse code, including:

Ohhhh, there were LOTS more and most of them did NOT involve
anything at all to do with radio, let alone amateur radio. :-)

Do you REALLY want to go there? :-)

Google has nearly all of it...all the talk about choo-choo trains,
presidential politics in all its forms, U.S. foreign policy, breasts
and beasts, automobiles, flying airyplanes, small boats, morals
and morality, parenting, imaginary love lives, divorces, and
all kinds of things very much NOT concerning amateur radio.

Gosh and golly, Paul, I've only been working in radio-electronics
since 1952, didn't get into ARPANET until the 1970s, started
BBSing (as in computer-modem communications) in late 1984
and didn't have any real Internet account until 10 years ago.

I'm absolutely, positively agreeing with your vast experience
in this newsgroup. Since Day One of public-access Internet?

You say that you have been participating on this newsgroup for about 7
years now. Haven't you noticed?

Funny how some folks "notice" things that others don't. :-)

Tell you what, Paul, if you are really and truly upset, go to AOL
Member Services and DEMAND that they lock out my personal
access to this newsgroup. Go ahead, make everyone's day and
make it a CLOSED-to-all-but-amateur-licensees in order to "make
everyone happy." Make it ARRL-South for all I care.

Meanwhile, the FCC and other government agencies still maintain
an open-access-to-citizens policy, made even more open by the
Internet (now 13 years old?). I think that's a good thing. Lots of
folks in here want to rewrite the First Amendment and toss out
"little things" like freedom of speech and petitioning a government.

A rather long time ago I did big-time military communications (most
of it on HF) for three years and never used, nor had to know any
morse code. Never had to know or use it since. But, it seems an
Article of Faith that American Amateurism DEMANDS knowledge
of morse code demonstrated by federal testing in order to enjoy a
recreational radio activity done for personal pleasure. I don't think
that's very fair or "democratic" and will keep on objecting to that
unneeded test in public.

Feel free to object to my objection any which way you want. Just
remember that Internetting is NOT amateur radio. My objection to
your objection is probably going to you or anyone any manner and form I care to use...whether or not some
True Believer gets mad as heck and goes out of their way (or
gourd) to toss out very clear LIBEL in a most personal way.

No problem to me. If I'm here and not in Houston, I can match
anyone's shots, shot for shot, and salvo as I care to.

SO FAR in here, this forum doesn't require any amateur radio
license to communicate on the Internet.

Sunnavagun! How about that? :-)