Thread: The Pool
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Old February 7th 04, 11:11 PM
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a

Len Over 21 wrote:

In article , Dave Heil charm school dropout
from the foreign service writes:

Len Over 21 wrote:

In article , Dave Heil Miss Congeniality

Len Over 21 wrote:

In article , Dave Heil Miss


Len Over 21 wrote:

Others have misconstrued the term "GETTING INTO" amateur radio as
meaning the several decades of interest preceeding the several years of
newsgroup posts just before the three-year-old claim of getting "an
Extra right out of the box".

Go for it, big daddy dave. Ain't no cats on your hot tin roof.

I did go for it, Len--forty years ago, within a year of my first
exposure to amateur radio.

...and you are still undeveloped.

That's rich! You've sat on your duff for almost an equivalent period
and are still writing about "getting into amateur radio". Thanks for the
laughs, Leonard.

Thanks for the laffs, snarly dave, but Don Rickles doesn't have
to worry about you stealing his act.

....not as long as you're around, don Wrinkles.

You have the moronic insult of "insult humor" down pat, but grade
ZERO on the humor part. Work on that.

You wouldn't know humor if it smacked you in the forehead--Oh wait, it

Hello? Are you alive? I said "interested in radio," non-compost-
mentat-intellect.* ALL of it, not just amateur activities.

You might have written that at some time. You also wrote of your
decades-long interest in *amateur* radio.

I got into
a lot of the rest of the world of amateur radio,

Let's get this straight. You got into the rest of the world of amateur
radio? When was this?

...lots more than you
you ever did while engaged in the Fleecing of America as a
"foreign service" member.

Well, you've managed to live up to the profile yet again.

N2EY: "Besides, here's a simple, plain fact:

No matter what job, educational level, employer, or
government/military service that a radio amateur has, if said radio
amateur opposes Mr. Anderson's views, he/she will be the target of Mr.
Anderson's insults, ridicule, name-calling, factual errors, ethnic
slurs, excessive emoticons and general infantile behavior."

Nope. Nothing about your obtaining an amateur radio license here.

Oh? Is this a requirement to be in the electronics industry?

Was that under discussion? I could have sworn that amateur radio was
the topic in which you decided to submit your PROFESSIONAL credentials.

Nooooo. You got it WRONG again, herr robust.

I've submitted my professional credentials to professional organizations
and got the jobs. Unlike some in here bragging of their "human
resources" fantastic grades and abilities and then going out and
becoming bus drivers. I'm still getting the professional jobs but the
work isn't as intense as before now that I don't keep regular hours.
It's fun, challenging work. You ought to try that sometime...a heckuva
lot better than spending "foreign service" time fleecing America in
some backwater African country.

You simply can't help it.

N2EY: "Besides, here's a simple, plain fact:

No matter what job, educational level, employer, or
government/military service that a radio amateur has, if said radio
amateur opposes Mr. Anderson's views, he/she will be the target of Mr.
Anderson's insults, ridicule, name-calling, factual errors, ethnic
slurs, excessive emoticons and general infantile behavior."

Strange, isn't it, not one single personnel person (that's "human
resources" profession to bus drivers) said anything about needing
any amateur radio license to work in electronics or aerospace.

You must want

Nooooo. I can get all kinds of jobs involving electronics and even
radio. I don't care to. I've had a full career as an electronics
design engineer. My income isn't all from the U.S. Treasury as a
"foreign service key person." [did you change the locks often
while a key person?]

"Key Officers of Foreign Service Posts", Len. You took a rap on the
snout in that one, huh?

Where is "here," snarly dave?

Right there.

Where is "there," snarly dave? Illustrate your point. :-)

Right here.

That is incorrect, Leona. You have your facts scrambled. I'll be happy
to quote the post if you're having trouble remembering.

What are you going to state as a "location" next, elsewhere? :-)

Feel free to cut and paste every single post, word for word, from
Google to illustrate whatever blunted point you think you have.

Oh, it won't be a blunted point, Leonard. It'll be quite direct and to
the point.

All you will do is annoy all the other readers, the regular

I think a goodly number of them are entertained, Leonard.

All you will do is demonstrate that you have ZERO
originality, ZERO creativity, are nothing but a bundle of overly-
proud puffery, vindictive almost to the gunnery nurse's standards.

Ahh, the plaintive cry from the bottom of the Extra box.

You really ought to TRY to get close to the subjects in this
newsgroup, not just being an exhibitionist for over-the-top raging

You decide to give someone a tweak, Leonard and a tweak will likely come
your way. You tweak enough folks and lots of tweaks will come in

I understand that. There is an amateur license available which requires
no morse test. It requires a pretty straightforward written test. You
haven't tackled it.

Explain WHY that is some kind of "requirement."

Okay. The FCC will not permit you to operate under Part 97 without it.

This is a newsgroup with open access, no moderator, straight-
forward (except for some PCTAs bent over backwards to get back
to the 1930s). No license of any kind required here. Not even
poetic license.

Oh, you misunderstood. No FCC license exam is required for newsgroup
access. You do have to understand though, that newsgroups are not
amateur radio.

You have NO concept of the discussion over the retention or
elimination of the morse code test.

Why, certainly I do.

All you can think of is an
unyielding spit-de-corpse adherence to the very same rules you
had to follow long ago in order to get that treasured and adored
federal merit badge.

The rules under which I received my Novice, General, Advanced and Extra
license are no longer the rules of today. Yep, I treasure and adore my
federal merit badge. You don't have one, do you?

Your insistance on all of present day to
Get The Morse Test or even Get A Ham License makes you a
prime believer worthy of the Waffen SS.

The Waffen SS? You mean that arm of the old Prussian military? You
don't have to obtain an amateur radio license though doing so would take
some of the egg off your mug after that "Extra right out of the box"
brag you issued. Obtaining even the most basic amateur radio license
might provide you with a bit of credibility in your quest to mold
amateur radio licensing to your way of thinking.

Do not think! Follow
orders! Yap! Yap! Bark! Bark!

All that for a radio HOBBY... :-)

You mean the hobby which has licensing requirements unmet by you?
Yeah, all that.

Dave K8MN