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February 9th 04, 06:22 PM
Posts: n/a
On 08 Feb 2004 18:49:36 GMT,
(Len Over 21) wrote:
Remember, morse code gets through when everything else will.
.....That line still makes me laugh every time I read it!
I understand that Morse is good for getting through poor conditions
better than voice. Makes sense, it is narrowband and binary (well,
tri-state if you count the spaces...) encoded. From the experimenting
(read: fooling around) that I have been doing over the past couple of
months, I have been repeatedly amazed with the ability of BPSK-31 to
get clean copy through pretty bad conditions. Even DX signals that
appear as weak vestiges on the waterfall display can be easily decoded
with near 100% accuracy, using just a PC sound card as an interface.
Frequency stability of my old Heath TX is a problem, but I'm working
on it.....
Now there's something that will get through when nothing else will.
And, it types itself out, too. (that's a real boon for the perennially
lazy - like me)
I believe that BPSK-31 was created within the amateur community -
there must have been similar narrowband technologies used by the
military which predated it - any idea what they were?
73, Leo
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