The HD73 would certainly handle the weight & windload for the setup
mentioned. However, it mounts to a rotor plate - don't know if there
is a mast mount for it like some of the Hy-Gain's I've seen. I have
an old HD73 and control box that isn't in use and I don't have a
projected need - if wanted by anyone here I'd let it go cheap.
On Sun, 8 Feb 2004 14:28:17 -0500, "Tarmo Tammaru"
For something more rugged than a TV rotator, get the Yaesu model ( G400 ?)
that sells for about $240. Anything bigger is probably gross overkill. Check
out , , and . A side
benefit you get with the Yaesu is a real control box, not a clacker. You
might be able to find one used. Also, same for an Alliance HD73.
"Eric" wrote in message
. com...
OK I know this isnt the TV antenna forum, however I believe you all
had better knowledge then the average "TV antenna" person. Anyway,
I'm looking for a rotator that will not shift in the wind, I have a 3
stack antenna, mounted approx 25 feet in the air. There is a
dedicated FM wineguard antenna at the top, a large dish style UHF only
antenna beneath it and a dedicated VHF only channel master beneath
that. My problem now is the antenna shifts in the wind. There is an
older Channel Master rotator on there now. From what I've read it does
not have any mechanical brakes.
The rotator is located about midway on the "base support pole" which
is supported by the chimney of the house, mounted in concrete, and has
3 guy wires attached to the top. So for a good 10 feet or so, the 2
masts run side by side.
I thought about the Channel Master model that is remote controlled,
however I dont know if it has the brakes either. I need one that will
hold its position. Any help would be great.