Picked this up on the shortwave group. Looks like the 14th might be a
good time to fire up on the upper end of 75 and protect our frequencies.
**Saturday februari 14 at 19.00 hours UTC (gmt) the brand new offshore
radio station RADIO RAINBOW INTERNATIONAL is expecting to have its
first official TEST TRANSMISSION from international waters
between the frequency of 3933 - 3937 khz, is 3.933 - 3.937 mhz. in the
76 meter band.
The stations technicians want to have listeners reports from
listeners. It will be a live program from the radio ship with
acquaintance with ship and crew. They are asking to sent your e mails
directly to the ship on this adress;
Following evenings there will be more test transmissions with nice
music programs, in which you can participate by sending a e mail
during the programs.
Please sent this mail to the press and all interested people.
The message came from