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Old February 13th 04, 09:13 PM
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"Dave Heil" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
Helmut wrote:

"Dave Heil" schrieb im Newsbeitrag

JJ wrote:

Manitoumagic wrote:
....Looks like the 14th might be a
good time to fire up on the upper end of 75 and protect our


**Saturday februari 14 at 19.00 hours UTC RADIO RAINBOW

between the frequency of 3933 - 3937khz

1900Z eh?... I doubt 75m propogation at 2pm on the East Coast will

allow any US
stations to even hear the broadcast, let alone QRM it.

Do you think only American hams have access to this group?

While it is true that there are others not in North America who have
access to this group, remember that the EU amateurs don't have access

3.933 MHz. The band stops for them at 3.800.

Dave K8MN

Yup, that's your baby!
But you will never hear it cry!

I have no idea what that is supposed to mean. Perhaps you meant, "Those
tomatoes won't be ripe until June" or "Brian sees Dave behind every tree
and rock".

Dave K8MN

Dear Dave,

in plain language this means:

This QRG is only available for REGION 2 hams. But you never will get som QRM
due to time and location of the transmitter.

Sorry for encoding my first post.
Your translations where not bad either.

73 de Helmut