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Old February 18th 04, 06:37 AM
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Default Photos of China shortwave radios (and more!)

I just made a VERY VERY curious discovery on the URL
I posted in the original thread.

It seems that a company
in Hong Kong called Maxima Communication Ltd
is actually the OEM for several brands of Icom, AOR,
Kenwood and Alinco ham radio products !!!

(Among these are the Icom IC756-PRO and the Yaesu FT-1000MP !! )

I am sure all you hams reading this who paid BIG BUCKS for
a "Japanese made" Icom or Yaesu actually paid for a radio
that was made by Maxima in Hong Kong.....!

(as soon as it gets an Icom or a Yaseu Japanese
name on it, plus made-in-japan, the price is
inflated BIG TIME ???)

Check it out 4 yourself boys!


.....and all this time I bey you thought U were
gettin a "genuine" Jap radio! You hams been paying
Toyota and Subaru prices for a Kia and a Hyundai
all this time !

"Copperplate" wrote in message
A nifty site that lets you see photos of future shortwave
radios from China w/specs and factory details!

Step 1 - Click on the URL below

Step 2 - Do a PRODUCT search on the Keyword "Shortwave"

Step 3 - Click on the highlighted "Multiband Radios"