To give you a lough for the day, and maybe you fell better about your fuel
Gernerally, fuel prices over here in EU are around 1,00 Euro PER LITER
(quarter gallon), so don't complain about high prices. Though almost 50%
driving diesel (abt 0,80 euros /liter) powered vehicles (exluding commercial
trucks), we also have this price differences within short range.
Szenario: Driving from Venice/IT to Prague/Tschechnia (400 miles) fill up in
venice for 1.09, next stop near Vienna/Austria you pay only 0.65 and in
prague you can get hte liter of diesel for slightly over 50 cents.
They (Oil Companies) use the same excuse for the different prices as they do
over there at your side. BTW, ESSO and MOBILE also are the most expensive
brands over here.
Thats why Volkswagen, BMW, Mercedes and all the other non-US Car
manufacturers sell their "premium edition" multi cylinder high consumption
vehicles to the States. They never could sell lots of them over here.
Modern Diesel engines have a mileage per gallon of 60 or 70. And their
performance is not less the gas engines.
So, now you can rest back at your next refueling stop, let the gas go into
your tank, and when at the cashier, just SMILE.
You know, you are filling up CHEAP.
Greetings from Austria
73 de OE8SOQ
"Old School" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
| All that profit goes into Bush's pocket.
| There should be a shutdown of transport. The gas prices are ridiculous
| especially when you pay $2.09 here and can go to a city 100 miles away
| and pay 0.50 cents less a gallon. They say it cost more to transport
| the gas here, but the same truck delivers at that city 100 miles south
| and another city 50 miles north where both cities north and south are
| the same price. Doesnt make sense. Price Gouging is what it is.
| On Mon, 23 Feb 2004 23:55:58 +0100 (CET), Anonymous via the
| Cypherpunks Tonga Remailer wrote:
| Mobil/Exxon posted the largest profit in history, last quarter! You
| boycott all gasoline...but you CAN boycott the largest company! Don't
| gas, don't buy snacks, don't buy coffe from these folks. Let 'em know
| you're mad as hell and not going to take it anymore!
| And for any of you truck drivers, if you want to take part in a transport
| shut down like they did in England a few years back, you have my
| Just give us a little warning before hand so we can all stock up on
| *Why would Bush allow these high gas prices to ruin his economic
| Cuz he's gonna take one "for the team". He's going to take a dive for
| Republicans so the Clinton's won't be able to take the White House in
| years......