Thread: It's baaaack!
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Old March 5th 04, 02:19 AM
Mike Coslo
Posts: n/a

N2EY wrote:
"Bill Sohl" wrote in message

"N2EY" wrote in message

In article , "Dee D.



And if we get lucky it will perhaps cause some of that business to return


the US over time.

I wouldn't count on it, Dee. Unless the American people get a lot more


about what they buy.

The Bush Administration is so desperate for good numbers that last week


seriously investigated the possibility of redefining the work of hamburger
assembly. IOW, they asked why jobs at Burger Meister couldn't be

classified as

"manufacturing". Whether it's a Big Mojo Burger or a minivan, it's


isn't it?

"No Millionaire Left Behind"

The reality of things economic is that, like it or not, we are in a global
economy and that isn't going to change.

That's true to a point. But we don't have to simply accept everything
that comes down the pike as inevitable.

It will probably stabilize when one of the programmers from India
writes a good program to replace CEO's! ;^)

The drastic reduction in costs
of shipping (both importing and exporting goods) as well as
similar reductions for communications makes it cheaper to manufacture
and even provide certain service functions off-shore. That isn't
going to change in the short run.

Only if it doesn't affect buyer behavior. If buyers protest with their
dollars, things will change.

In the long run, those currently
cheap off shore labor markets will self adjust upwards.

Maybe. And if so, might they not find themselves in the same boat?

Correct! I have alway though that the best argument for what is going
on is the elevation of a population's living standard. A country has a
low standard of living, and the workforce is available for next to
nothing, wage wise. So like Pizza take-out's in a college town, everyone
ant their brother migrate there for the cheap labor. AS the standard of
living goes up, the cheap labor starts to demand more in salary and/or
benefits. This works for a while, but eventually another poor country
looks attractive to employers. So they move on to the next poor country.

Examples are what has happened to Japan. Korea is the present hot spot,
but is slowing. China is ascendant now, but the inevitible will happen
there. Mexico is now experiencing import concerns too.

What happens when the cycle is complete, and the last third world
nation is brought up to modern standards will be the interesting thing.

In the short
run, US labor has their head in the sand if they think there's something
either party (Dems or Reps) can really do to stem the shift of
manufacturing jobs overseas. The same thing is going on in Europe.

OTOH, unemployed workers can't buy the goods anyway. So what good are
lower prices?

You see, the big trick is to have all this happen without ourselves
turning into a third world country. See below.

In the long run, employees must be constantly reevaluating their
job skills and looking at the prospect of how vulnerable their job
may be as to their job being farmed out to off shore labor.

That's true up to a point. But how often is it reasonable to expect a
person to retrain? And what happens to "the wealth of nations" in the

I don't know of any country that grew prosperous on a service economy

Countries that are service based economies are the *servants* of other

We can "reality" each other all day long, but if economies chase the
almighty profit without any moral guidance - that is if they are not in
business for the sole purpose of making a buck, then disaster is the result.

- Mike KB3EIA -