I used the "Extend" after scraping off the loose stuff with a wire brush. A
coat of gray machine tool rust formula paint followed (local hdw store).
Tower looks great after 7 years. Also used the galvanized bolts, nuts and
lock washers.
Phil, KB2HQ
"Rich" wrote in message
I use cold galvanize from LPS. It comes in a spray can and many hardware
stores carry it. Also galvanized nuts and galvanized Grade 5 bolts
should be used to secure your tower sections together. Stainless steel
bolts will also work but are quite spendy. I have heard that bolts
should never be reused when reinstalling a tower but no one has
satisfactorily explained why to me.
Another treatement for rust is Duro Extend which can be purchased at
many auto parts stores. It chemically treats the rust and stops it.
Good luck and 73's
Dick K7RNZ
Scott wrote:
Hi there,
I recently acquired used Rohn 25 locally..
1. There are some rust, what is your recommendations?? Sandpaper &
Rustolium paint from Home Depot??
2. All bolts and nuts were missing.. What is the best source to get
them?? Stainless or hot treated(?) one?? What is the size of them??
Appreciate your help, please...