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Old March 6th 04, 08:32 PM
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On Sat, 6 Mar 2004 15:25:09 +0000 (UTC), in,
In Dave Shrader
There will be so much capital investment by companies in BPL that the
courts won't dare to overturn the decision!!!! The FCC will cave to
the $$$ interest, if they have not already done so.

They have. Mikey Powell was just in Raleigh (where I am)
talking to the public, and the paper quoted him on the BPL
issue among others. I don't have the exact quote but he
basically said, "We'll try not to harm hobbyists, but BPL
has too much potential (*) to let it be stopped."

(*) "Potential" = "people are going to get RICH on this."

Ken Kuzenski AC4RD kuzen001 at acpub .duke .edu
All disclaimers apply, see?

"We'll *try* not harm hobbyists.." Yeah, riiiight. To me what he
actually said was "Talk to the hand 'cause the face don't understand."
I think Powell would love nothing more than to see amateur radio die.