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Old March 8th 04, 05:04 PM
Andy in NJ
Posts: n/a

I thought it had something to do with not cutting out extra stuff that
wasn't needed when replying.

Unable to cut out unneeded quotes "Unclaimed Mysteries"
theletter_k_andthenumeral_4_doh@unclaimedmysterie wrote in message
Top-postin' Andy in NJ wrote:

That's because the part of your brain that should be concerned about
this issue has been erased by tightly focused selective amnesia brain
beams, and the previous thoughts replaced by what They think you should
think. Happens to the best of us. It just happened to me, right now.
I've completely forgotten what I should warn you about.

I think it had something to with top-posting being righteous and just.

Oh, well, never mind.