In article ,
Willian Irving Zumwalt wrote:
| Several popular exam books I've looked at expire in June of 2004 for
| the General class license. How long before we start seeing the new
| editions come out. Reason I ask is because I'd like to start studying
| but don't think I'll be ready by June and if there are changes, I'd
| just rather wait for the new edition.
The tests usually don't change much from revision to revision.
Studying the book that's one generation out of date isn't going to
hurt you much.
The general test isn't much harder than the technician test. If
you've got am ind for this stuff, just skim over whatever book you've
got for that level of test (even if it's one or two revisions out of
date) a few times, then go to and take
the test a few times. Once you can consistently score over 80%,
you're ready to go take the test and almost certainly pass.
I passed all three in a few months with little experience and little
effort, using three books (technician, general, extra) I bought at
Radio Shack for $1 each. I think the technician and extra books were
out of date, and the general book wasn't, but it didn't really hurt
(Now I just need to pass the morse code test. My brain has a lot
harder time with that than the technical tests ... but I'm working on
Doug McLaren,
He who fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does
not become a monster." - Neitschze