March 9th 04, 01:32 PM
Why Does Lennie Enjoy Being Publically Humiliated...Again...?!?!
I am trying to keep all my disruptions of Leonard H. Anderson's lies
and mistruths in approprtiately titled threads. The problem is that
Lennie lies so often and in so MANY threads, it's hard to keep ahead
of them.
In any case, I am sure the case has been well-made that this fool
is, as always, so self deluded and off-the-wall, that it only takes a
modicum of effort to keep him balanced.
(Len Over 21) wrote in message ...
In article ,
(gunnery nurse off his meds shouts and waves his arms about, needing attention)
(...that from the same person who says "I am only here to civilly
debate the Morse Code test issue"...)
In all the thousands of press photographs, hundreds of minutes
of press video recordings, any radios in evidence are all
identifiable as belonging to governments or utilities.
"Thousands of press photographs..."...?!?!
YOU personally proofed ALL those "THOUSANDS" of "press
photographs" and determined that NOT A ONE contained ANY picture of
ANY Amateur Radio realated or supported activity...?!?!
Absolutely. I watched TV for many hours after the 11 Sep 01 attacks.
Got 30 complete video photographs every second. A thousand frames
of video are seen every half minute and a fraction.
All, Lennie..I asked you if you proofed them ALL...??? I am
soooo (not) impressed...
Do the math...if your meds have kicked in and you can still grasp
a pencil (or crayon) without breaking it...
Uh huh...
OR...(and more likely)...the few pictures you DID see in the LA
Times didn't have anything YOU deemed relevent, ergo you just
extrapolated the numbers to sound like something impressive...
Tsk, tsk, tsk...have you now assumed such god-like powers you
can mentally reach out and determine what anyone saw?
You ARE nuts.
Perhaps. But I am not a liar...Like you...
IN the national press and in electronics industry trade publications
were many mentions of communications supplies (HTs and
telephones) rushed in to aid New York. The U.S. military
adequately supported rescue at the Pentagon, also reported.
And from the desks of the NY OES, the American Red Cross,
Salvation Army, NYC OES, NYPD, FDNY and numerous other "offical"
agencies ahve come letters of commendation and gratitude for Amateur
Radio support.
All nice little pieces of paper, suitable for framing.
And every one of them evidence that you are wrong...Again...
Note: The ARRL is NOT a "press," a journalism organization.
Doesn't matter. Can you DISPRROVE anything they have
Not in here.
Not ANYWHERE, Lennie...You cannot provide ONE instance of
documented evidence that ANYTHING the ARRL has printed in QST or any
other periodical.
No one can "disprove" something that doesn't exist and the ARRL
"news" does so much selective editing and selective adjectiving it
makes amateur activity sound absolutely totally completely
responsible for anything they report.
So...we have a round-about way of you acknowledging that you LIED
about the ARRL's alleged "dishonesty"...
Per your OWN words..."No one can "disprove" something that
doesn't exist..."
Not that anyone else believed you, but at least we now have you
acknowledging that you were mistruthful.
No doubt there have been smaller emergencies of which I haven't
Without any doubt of that...!
Do you wish another recounting of the Great Blackout of the Greater
Los Angeles area caused by the Northridge Earthquake a decade
ago? No? Of course not, you refuse to view my posts...
Your posts are still irrelevent.
Documentary evidence of participation by Amateur Radio
organizations exists within the California OES.
Make that "ACS" sweetums. Try to get your acronyms straight.
Well, "sweetums", ACS IS an agency of the California Office of
Emergency Services.
Or were you blood-pinned with some kind of distinguished civilian
service medal and suffered an infection?
Continue to let the ARRL spoon-feed you all the information they
think is "suitable" for you.
What "spoon-feed(ing)", Your Scumminess...?!?!
See above on "selective editing." League copy scribblers are very
good at what they do. When they do a page make-up it's a cold
day in Newington when any other radio service is mentioned.
Lennie, you ae the master of the artfully pasted URL, so don't
get all uppity about anyone else's alleged "selective editing"...Not
that I've seen anyone CHANGE anything you've ever said. (Why would
they? Your own words usually sink YOUR rants...!)
What has been inaccurate? Where is the evidence of dishonesty or
misrepresentation of facts?
Take a trank, gunnery nurse. When it has kicked in, try reading or
viewing something BESIDES "official" information from Newington.
A "trank", Lennie...?!?!
Is this another of YOUR "shortened medical terms"...?!?! It's
certainly NOT in any of MY references...
Then outside the disaster arena, there's all the marathons, walk-a-thons,
bike-a-thons and myriad other public events for which hams routinely
communications. Our club supports 4 or 5 of these per year.
Even as I write this, the Los Angeles Marathon of 2004 is in progress.
It is well-covered by a continuous telecast from one station and spot
reporting on at least three other local TV stations. I am not listening
to a sound-only AM station coverage. On-the-route video is provided
by two-person teams on motorcycles equipped with two-way voice
and picture mobile equipment.
Uh huh...and the news is...?!?!
The "news" is that YOU are NOT Dee.
Hot Diggidy...ya think...?!?!?
You could hold yourself down in public and let other folks have a chance
but your obsession won't let you, will it?
What "chance"...?!?!
You mean letting YOU have a "fair shot" at lying, obfuscation,
misdirection and generally immature and child-like sandlot
Not as long as you keep misrepresenting the truth.
The L.A. Marathon was on Sunday. Nice pictures in the TIMES this
morning, more video from the marathon on TV.
Still haven't heard of all the noble, traditional, inspiring ham radio
aid to the L.A. Marathon. Lots more good news about the DARPA
Grand Challenge...first look at the team entries from display at
the Fontana raceway. But, you don't know anything about the
DARPA Grand Challenge, do you?
Nope...And just like NOT seeing Amateur Radio featured on any
news-item relating to an event that it played a part in, MY not
knowing about your "DARPA grand Challenge" doesn't mean it didn't
happen either...
One million bucks to the winner...
And YOUR entry is
The video from locations along the 26.2 mile route show many
different HTs being used by LAPD, LA government, and Marathon
personnel identifiable by tags or outer vests. No one has mentioned
any amateur radio activity yet. This isn't the first L.A. Marathon.
Everything going well so far as it has for years.
I lived in the LA area for years and was a praticipant in two
marathons. Even though some hams got thier pictues in video bites, I
don't remember any of them having ever been interviewed nor Amateur
Radio being mentioned by name.
Riiiiiight. Uh-huh. You always tell the "truth" like that?
I'd rather hear details of your "seven hostile actions" such as when,
where, and what happened.
They are not pertinent to this forum, Putzy One. Just like you.
Does that exclusion mean we weren't there or didn't contribute?
They were there "in spirit."
They were there in person.
I saw lot's of pictures of Goodhew and Schaeffer Ambulances in
those video shots, although none of them were mentioned by name
either...Does that mean those third party EMS units didn't
? Irrelevant mention. Those ambulances have BIG names on the
sides, are seen on the streets regularly.
Hardly "irrelevant mention" An absolutely accurate analogy, one
you tried to avoid but didn't.
I saw a clip of a public event in which an 18-wheeler replete
with large logo of it's owner on the side...Am I to assume (under the
usual Andersonian logic) that this grocery delivery truck was
"supporting" the event...???
I also saw countless shots of runners with Evian water bottles
and drinking from cups with Gatorade logos on them...I never heard
them mentioned by name eithr. Soooooooo......What's your excuse for
THOSE exclusions, Scummy One...?!?!
You haven't made any specific mention of RADIO AMATEURS,
gunnery nurse. Try to stay on topic.
Of course I did and I am so-on-topic it hurts you. Stop lying.
(as if you COULD...)
I'll ask you again...Did the exclusion of SPECIFIC MENTION of the
products or firms I cited in teh previous post mean THEY DIDN'T
The ARRL will no doubt post something later saying something like
"the success of the L.A. Marathon was all due to the untiring efforts
of many radio amateurs." That is, if they still recognize the west
coast of the USA as belonging to the Union...
No...they will do like they have (accurately) done before, and
will say Amateurs CONTRIBUTED to the overall event, and that TEAMWORK
between the supporting agencies resulted in a safe event.
The spirit is willing, but the actual flesh seems to be invisible.
I'll ask you again...Did the exclusion of SPECIFIC MENTION of the
products or firms I cited in teh previous post mean THEY DIDN'T
But, the ARRL is your source of amateur news and you are a
Believer in the Church of St. Hiram. You MUST discredit anyone
who spoils the old, old images of nobility, purity, and good from
the "services" of glorious amateur radio. You cannot help yourself,
poor baby.
There was nothing in any of your post that "spoil(ed)" any of the
contributions of Amateur Radio in ANY event, Lennie.
You, on the otherhand, once again spoiled your family name by
TRYING (unsuccessfully) to do teh spoiling.
Go snaffle a trank and try to calm down.
More LennieMade "shortened" medical terms, Lennie...!?!?
I'll still be around doing what I care to do. All your false and
misleading pejorations are empty words from a nutso.
Sorry that I hurt your ego, Lennie, and spoiled yet another
opportunity for you to lie, mislead and antagonize without
All you are doing is wasting everyone's time, especially yours.
Nope...just yours...You just make it too darn easy to spoil YOUR
rants...You AND Google give me everything I need...
Steve, K4YZ