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Old March 13th 04, 04:58 PM
Steve Robeson, K4CAP
Posts: n/a

Is Lennie must be getting lazier...It used to be he'd try to waffle
through at least two or three posts before trying to cut-and-paste his
way out of having cornered himself...but this time he didn't even wait
THAT long.

Ya cudda made "points" with everyone in this forum, Lennie, by
just offering the info on the manual and then accepting some gratitude
for it's rendering.

Instead you had to make it one more opportunity to bad-mouth
Amateurs in general, me in particular, and then make the fool that you
are even more laughable with even more obvious lame attempts to dig
your way out while trying to prove your "superior intellect".

(Len Over 21) wrote in message ...
In article ,

(Steve Robeson, K4CAP) writes:

(Len Over 21) wrote in message
In article ,

(Steve Robeson, K4CAP) writes:

A couple of points, Lennie...

First of all, I have never said EVERYTHING you write is a lie or

YES you have. Plus a LOT more in the form of excessive personal
insults of many kinds.

No, I have not.

Google has them all archived. Before that, DejaView had them.

You'd better re-think that, since Google is at EVERYONE'S

Then you are truly mentally deranged and unable to tell your own
postings from anyone else's.

Take your meds like a good little patient.

Dismissed. Fall out.

Lennie...WHO'S the "dill sergeant" now...?!?!


From: Steve Robeson, K4CAP )
Subject: KDK FM2015R Manual Needed
View: Complete Thread (6 articles)
Original Format
Date: 2004-03-12 07:26:08 PST

(Len Over 21) wrote in message ...
In article ,

(Steve Robeson, K4CAP) writes:
A couple of points, Lennie...

First of all, I have never said EVERYTHING you write is a lie or

YES you have. Plus a LOT more in the form of excessive personal
insults of many kinds.

No, I have not.

You'd better re-think that, since Google is at EVERYONE'S

Do you REALLY want me to go pull up an example and PROVE YOU

I HAVE publically stated in this forum that I acknowledge that
you know far more about the inner workings of the box than I do.

You have NEVER said anything in public about "my having far more
(knowledge) about the inner workings of the (FM2015R) box."

YES, I have, although not SPECIFICALLY about the FM2015R...

I have SPECIFICALLY stated that I acknowledge that your superior
knowledge of the inner workings of "the box" (refering to electronic
devices generically) on SEVERAL occassions.

Again, if you put me to the task of wading through all thos
Google archives to once again prove you WRONG, I will, but then I will
have bragging rights on you for the next decade.


Never say never, Pumpkin...cuz if you DO, it WILL come back to

If the "FM2015R" is an amateur radio, then, by YOUR own rules in
here, I cannot possibly know anything about it because I have "zero"
experience in amateur radio.

The FM2015R is an elctronic device designed to be used primarily
by licensed Radio Amateurs.

I don't fault your knowledge of electronics...I fault your
knowledge of AMATEUR PRACTICE. I am sure you were an adequate bench
technician at some point in your life, and could probably do OK with
current technology.

Your "definition" is multiply faulty. I have learned many many things
about radio and have applied them in all disciplines of such radio.
All radios work by the SAME physics regardless of any human
legislation or advertising/marketing or membership organizations say.

And as I have sated over and over and over, Lennie...

It's NOT about the physics of radio...It's about application...

YOU respond in a fraternal, respectful manner I ahve done the same
(ie: a couple years ago when I asked about plastic model
sources...Your INITIAL response was polite, precise and appreciated)

I am NOT a "member of any fraternity."

I did not say you were a member of a fraternity.

Please QUOTE the EXACT statement wheerein you alledge that I said
you did.

Mentions in public of other sources in this newsgroup is done for
the BENEFIT of all, not for any 'fraternalism.' All public access
newsgroups are readable by all and are NOT one-on-one private

But, YOU cannot ever remain "in phase" with what you say and
MUST vent your rage against another you personally dislike. That
is exemplified by the following -

What I ALSO have said is that you lie and mislead people about
the character of the AMATEUR RADIO SERVICE, that you find it necessary
to use demeaning and belittling endearments in order to place yourself
above everyone else, and that your purpose in doing so is for mere
spite, nothing else. (ie: your SECOND response to the above referenced
item wherein you made a 180 deg turnabout and resumed your typical
snide manner)

Tsk, tsk, tsk. You have been taken to task for demonstrating an
unusual personal mythos about amateur radio that is not real. That
has already been explained to you. You refuse to accept it...and
must continue to dwell on your peculiar personal outrage and
disagreements...which you did as shown.

Lennie, there is nothing about Amateur Radio in any aspect of
which I participate that is "not real".

You have TRIED to "explain" your OPINION on Amateur Radio, but in
as much as you have NO practical experience from which to substantiate
your comments, you usually falter in facts!

You inadvertently LIE in stating I say "bad things" about the Amateur
Radio Service. I do NOT. I state up front that I say bad things about
INDIVIDUALS who have amateur radio licenses, because they do so.

I have not lied, inadvertently or otherwise.

Furthermore YOUR above statement is in-and-of-itself untrue.

You BLATANTLY stated the American Radio Relay League is
dishonest. When tasked with providing something OTHER than your
opinion, you have failed to do so.

No evidence = Obvious lie.

YOU do NOT represent ALL of U.S. amateur radio. Ergo, you cannot
transpose your personality to that of ALL U.S. radio amateurs. (they
would feel or should feel insulted by such a gross misrepresentation)

No, I don't. But I "represent" enough who share some of the same
opinions when it comes to YOUR honesty, integrity and character.

YOU cannot seem to accept the slightest correction or rebuke or
even difference of opinion to your own personal opinions with any
sort of civility. YOU can't handle the truth and typify the "Colonel
Jessups" of your imaginary "service" world.*

I accept lots of "corrections"...Especially when it's brought to
my attention in the same fashion that the bearer would like to
beaddressed if the shoe were on the other foot.

And it's not YOUR place to "rebuke" anyone in this forum. You
don't have the experience in Amateur practice from which to make an
informed correction.

That you started off on a purely fraternal offer of information
for another radio hobbyist was appreciated.

YOU have repeatedly claimed that I am not allied in any way with
U.S. amateur radio. Now you claim "fraternal offers." A LIE of
a LIE by yourself. [how hypocritical can 'done peyote...' be?]

You are NOT "allied in any way with U. S. amateur radio"...

GOOGLE is not "allied" with Amateur Radio, yet I can find
information from it, too...Shall we get the FCC to send Google a

The "W7FG Manuals" service is an old one and links to the business
are made on many websites of interest to hams as well as hobbyists.

Congratulations on having this bit of knowledge at hand.

There are many businesses involved in supplying service manuals
for electronic equipment, easily found by a simple Search function
available at all major ISPs. I suggest a review of the functions
available to AOL users as a benefit to your own education for
Internet operations.

I was willing to take the info you suppled, say "tahnks" and be
on my way.

You found it necessary to add the lampooning. No problem. I can
play too.

That you finsihed off in your usual spiteful slashing was
typical. At elast this time you did it all in one post...

There is NO "elast" in or about time. TRY to control rage and anger
when typing. Clean copy is a positive attribute in communications.

A typo is not about rage or anger. It's about the wrong finger
on teh wrong key at the wrong time...Nothing else.

PS...Thanks for the tip, Len.

WHAT "tip?" W7FG has been supplying manuals for a long time.


You can't take a bit of gratitude for your efforts?

If someone doesn't know about something and you inform them of
it, you just gave them a "tip". I didn't know about W7FG. Now I do.
If I am asked a similar question by anotehr person, I'll pass it on.

I never looked to see if your particular part number was available
there. I just pulled down a copy of an H-P 606A signal generator
manual that I obtained from there two years ago. The business
name (using an amateur radio callsign, a grey area in "non-
pecuniary" definition of amateur radio in a business name) is
printed predominently on its cover.

Did you go to the site to check for yourself? Or
didn't you just shoot off your keyboard in personal rage and anger
about imaginary slights against your attitudes and opinions in
long-ago discussions now defunct?

No, I've not gone to the W7FG site yet. That's for the weekend.

Nothing I stated in either post addressed the functionality of
the W7FG site or whether or not I found what I am looking for.

My comments were directly relevent to YOUR shooting your mouth
off again.

Why are you always so angry and rage-filled, wanting to fight all
the time? Have you seen an analyst or therapist to cure that
aggressive, uncivil behavior?

Why did YOU feel compelled to express YOUR anger? Why are YOU so
"rage-filled" about Amateur Radio that you feel compelled to spend an
obscene amount of time lambasting persons who DO love it?

I am in this forum becasue I am a LICENSED Radio Amateur.

If anyone needs a therapist, it's you, Putzy One.

Try getting on the list for the first copy of "Ham Radio for Dummies"
that is rumored to arrive in April. Get one. You may learn
something about the insides of radio and electronics boxes and
become productive in your amateur community.

Too late, Lennie...I am already a productive member of the
Amateur Radio community.

Keep up that good work on the morse code and making sure that
all U.S. prospective radio amateurs MUST take that code test
forever and ever. Morse code can be "a significant factor" in
emergencies and "play a major role" there as the League blabs.

Too bad you are so self absorbed in YOUR rage, Lennie, to haev
paid attention to other exchanges in the last, oh, two or three years,
to know where I really stand on this.

* "Colonel Jessup" is the character in the film "A Few Good Men"
and protrayed convincingly by actor Jack Nicholson. The
character of Colonel Jessup was removed from the military court
in arrest at the end of the film after the character lost his cool
arrogance. "You can't handle the truth!" is Colonel Jessups'
now-famous line that reveals his arrogance and imaginary beliefs
about those not in the USMC.

Hot flash, Lennie...I WAS in the USMC, and "Colonel Jessup", as
portrayed by Mr Nicholson was a fictional character without precedent
or model.

You try to pidgeon-hole me with some lame rhetoric about "mythos"
of Amateur Radio, but then you try and make real-world analogies with
fictional movie characters...

Yes, Lennie...One of us needs "therapy", but one of them is NOT

Take another hit of the Geritol, Lennie...

Steve, K4YZ
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