Thread: BPL NPRM v. NOI
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Old March 17th 04, 04:47 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article . net, "Dan/W4NTI"
w4nti@get rid of this writes:

I hate to agree with Len. But he is right on this one.


"Len Over 21" wrote in message
In article ,
(William) writes:

Dave Heil wrote in message

You know, I've never needed your assistance in posting my comments to
the FCC before. What made you think I'd need it now?

Dave K8MN

Len stated, "It's also apparent that way too many commenters are
trying to voice their grievances to the FCC in the wrong place."

Len did not state that "David Heil/K8MN is trying to voice his
grievances to the FCC in the wrong place."

What made you think he did?

Mr. Foreign Serviceman thinks that every PUBLIC posting I make is
aimed straight at him and his ego wounds are grievous.

The gunnery nurse thinks every PUBLIC posting I make is aimed
straight at him and he is mad as heck and can't take it any more.

But, over 600 comments have been filed on NOI 03-104 since the
04-29 NPRM was released...over 600 comments that will have no
effect on FCC decision-making on NPRM 04-29.

As of the close of FCC business on 15 March 2004, the number
of comments on 04-29 and 04-37 are the SAME number as on
the close of business on 11 March 2004. No one seems to be
filing anything. Not even FISTS...but then "CW gets through when
nothing else will" according to them and they aren't worried about
Access BPL.

Everyone else seems happy and content with personal in-fighting
in newsgroups instead of going out and DOING anything about
BPL. That shows everyone how "dedicated" they are to preserving
their hobby lifestyles. Dedication = nothing. Imagination and
fantasy = everything.


Thank you, Dan.

Checking the FCC website ECFS for 16 March 2004 after the close of
business there (about 8:10 PM EST), there were NO additional
comments filed on 04-29 since 10 March 2004. There were only 2
comments on 04-37 by Lionel Booth, PE, N3LB, MARS AR6IP, and
good old rambling Earl Gosnell III, also a licensed radio amateur.

Booth's comment is good since he is approaching the problem in
broad terms, that of the electric power lines becoming actual RF
radiators. Those affect ALL wanting to use HF to low VHF. It is a
literate document and worth reading the 11 pages on file.

If folks don't want to trouble themselves with engineering details or
EM theory, then at least they ought to scan the Booth document
and say they SUPPORT public...on the ECFS. The FCC
sees all those and considers them for a final R&O.

It isn't difficult to file a comment at the FCC. Anyone can do it
on-line for a short comment, no fancy formatting or word processing
needed. Hundreds have already done so on other subjects. The
FCC has made it EASY for ordinary citizens to comment.

There's no real excuse to sit like lumps in a bog, doing nothing
but on-line newsgroup combat. That won't make Access BPL go
away, won't stop the BPL interference from that power line in
front of the house.

Red-dog the FCC ECFS, hit both 04-29 and 04-37. If anyone goes
to 04-29 and wants to comment based on Booth's comment, then
mention his filing under Et Docket 04-37 for 16 March 2004.

I can understand some who hate my guts for other reasons and
won't want to mention my comments on both 04-29 and 04-37.
But, LIonel Booth filed under 04-37 and he IS a licensed radio
amateur as well as a registered Professional Engineer. At least
reference Booth's comment and SUPPORT it.