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Old March 19th 04, 05:11 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article , PAMNO
(N2EY) writes:

In article ,

(Len Over 21) writes:

In article ,

(N2EY) writes:

Quoting from the NCVEC restructuring petition (not the press release, the
actual petition):

(begin quote)


D. Creation of a new entry level license.

"Quote" from WHAT?

From the actual NCVEC restructuring petition, Len. I downloaded it yesterday
and read it. Didn't you?

There's only ONE "actual NCVEC petition," RM-10787.

Downloaded that one a long time ago...first of September 2003.

There's one OTHER proposal which has been tossed about under
"Ham radio for the 21st Century" title. That's been out for a while
too and I've had that in the download folder. It is NOT in any FCC
Notice as any "RM" (petition for Rule Making).

The link published by Bill Sohl in here is to Amateur Radio Newsline's
"new" items. Going there will get anyone a very nice copy of the
original NECVEC petition RM-10787 submitted on 29 Jul 03!

Both published links were in error. That was obvious from the first page of

petition. Didn't you notice that it wasn't a new petition, and that it did not
match the news release?

I noticed the exact similarity of the posted link download after viewing
it, that's why I commented.

I don't eagerly view each and every download as it comes in. I just
use "save as" to download PDFs and DOCs in the background while
I surf elsewhere.

Was I supposed to check in with you first or what?

RM-10787 is toast just like all the other 13 RMs. The last comment
filed on RM-10787 was 4 November 2003.

They're not "toast", Len. Obviously, FCC is still gathering input for an

Obviously NOT. The LAST comment on RM-10787 was made over
four months ago.

The ECFS files on NPRM 98-143 are still available to the public. Are
you saying the FCC is also "still gathering input" on that?!?

News flash: R&O 99-412 happened at the end of 1999. NPRM 98-143
was no longer under consideration for anything except checking on
the complaints of a few.

WHERE is this "new" petition proposal from NECVEC?

Len, it's "NCVEC". Only one "E".

Oh my! Fuss and furor going to be raised on a simple typo... :-)

I can hear your strident messaging even now..."error!"..."mistake!"
"not worthy of consideration!" :-) :-)

The new NCVEC petition is online and can be downloaded easily, once you know
where to look.

The FCC doesn't seem to have it available for the public.

Where is it?

It isn't on the NCI website.

It's not an NCI petition.

Bill Sohl is with NCI and he is the one posting links in here.

It doesn't show up on a Search of Amateur
Radio Newsline's website.

It's not a Newsline petition either.

Never said it was. Newsline has made other petitions, have they?

It doesn't show up on the W5YI Organization

It's not a W5YI Organization petition, although you can bet your bippy that
every single word of the NCVEC petition had to be personally approved by ol'
Fast Freddie.

Is Fred Maia still on the NCVEC? Answer Yes or No.

Is it on the ARRL website?

I don't know. That's not where I got it.

I think you "got it" all in your head...

If so, provide the LINK for it.

Is that an order, Len? Sounds like one. Who are you to give me or anyone else
here orders?

Poor baby. Getting all upset are you?

"Nobody can give YOU orders!" Not of any kind, shape, or form! :-)

No problem. When the REAL petition shows up as an RM,
then it is worth looking at.

Or will I simply be the target of more of your name calling, ridicule, bad
jokes, and other abuse?

OH! You've been ABUSED have you?!? Poor baby...!

Tsk, tsk, tsk, all you of the self-perceived nobility are the same.
It must be all that blue blood, royal cynaosis not letting enough
oxygen into your emotion centers!

Here's a hint: It's a real petition, not vaporware. It can be downloaded from
an easily accessed site. I even printed it out this morning.

"Real petitions," yer lardship, are on the FCC site.

Sorry to not bow and scrape to your most esteemed worthiness,
but if you ever got down from your high horse, you might be
tolerable to other civilized humans.

Don't get off...yer horse piddled on da ground, 'e did...ya'll step
in it an' get yer booties all wet...