Thread: BPL NPRM v. NOI
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Old March 20th 04, 02:27 PM
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(Len Over 21) wrote in message ...
In article ,
(William) writes:

What Lennie DOESN'T know about Part 97 could fill libraries!

Impossible. I own a copy of Part 97 and it fills the space of one
small book.

I have all five volumes of Title 47 C.F.R., soft-cover, printed by
the U.S. Government Printing Office. Part 97 is one of the
smaller sections in the 5th volume.

There are several USGPO branch outlets in major urban centers
and will take orders for publications over the phone, accepting
major credit card payment. USPS regular surface delivery is
free on order shipment.

Len, in your best judgement, would you think that Steve could avail
himself to the services of the USGPO and USPS, learn the truth, then
post a retraction of his statement above?

Lennie's understanding and comprehension of Amateur Radio
regulations, both in theory and practice have been ripped apart by
more than ONE poster in this forum, and always to his ultimate

Because Amateur Radio exists in a parallel universe where conventional
laws of physics do not apply.

The sad part is that some, like Robeson, perceive U.S. amateur radio
only in terms of their own involvement. Further, he demands some
kind of "rule by tenure and involvement" (similar to a kind of ancient
tribal leadership by brawn and bravado) solely by the participants.

Robeson reacts in the typical "military syndrome" of absolute pride
in "his outfit" and assumes some kind of officer or NCO rank above
others, demanding uncompromising obeyance to his "orders." If
there is objection to what he says, he goes into the abusive nature
of typical NCOs whipping the troops into line.

I find it interesting that Steve, having supposedly served in seven
hostile actions, never served in a unit with a single KIA, present or

Even though I was in the USAF, I served the Second Infantry Division.
It has a proud history and I was proud to serve it. Though
hostilities were low due to the cease fire of 1954, I would like to
think that having competant armed forces facing the enemy along the
DMZ helped maintain that cease fire.

The problem is that U.S. amateur radio is NOT a military service
nor even a paramilitary service. It is basically a hobby, a
recreational activity involving radio. It is, by default, a hobby
because federal regulations forbid monetary compensation for
any radio communications rendered.

Though monetary compensation is forbidden, it often occurs. Some call
them "repeater dues."

Be that as it may, the Amateur Service has been useful and probably
will continue to be useful in emergency communications when other
comms fail.

There is the common thread among the "tribal rule" individuals that
no one unlicensed in amateur radio can possibly know anything
about amateur radio, therefore they should be silent. Preposterous
since U.S. amateur radio activity is widely publicized (among those
who care to find out) and federal regulations forbid any secrecy in
amateur communications.

I've seen it bragged on here that the ARRL Amateur Handbook is found
in professional radio engineers library shelves. Must be a one way

No one on the staff of the FCC or the Commissioners themselves
are required to have any amateur radio licenses, yet the FCC has
the lawful duty to regulate amateur radio and mitigate interference
matters, up to and including imposing fines and calling on U.S.
Marshals to arrest extreme miscreants. That rather destroys their
concept that "only other amateurs can tell them what to do."

I hope someone in authority is watching the nutty one. He really
spooks me.

Amateur radios operate by exactly the same physics as radios in
all other radio services. Propagation of radio waves occurs in
exactly the same way as for all other radio services. There are
no exceptions despite some odd ideas and strange misconceptions
among certain radio amateurs.

Might be because they do not understand other radio services and think
amateur radio is special.

It is impossible to rationally discuss anything with certain people
(such as Robeson) since they are too emotionally-driven and too
prideful in their concept of their personal hobby involvement. They
must - absolutely - have their way or all are treated to personally
abusive remarks from them.

I tire of him. He's irrational.

The above is representative of their non-reasoning in demanding a
morse code test for all new amateurs...pure emotional basis on
what they had to endure long ago (and probably resent).


uphill both ways. bb