"Arnie Macy" wrote in message ...
"Len Over 21" wrote in part ...
"Sorry to not bow and scrape to your most esteemed worthiness, but if you
ever got down from your high horse, you might be tolerable to other
civilized humans."
__________________________________________________ ___________
Sounds like good self-advice, Leonard. Why don't you try it? And if you
can't, just do your best impression of a human being. It would certainly be
an improvement over what we've seen here from you in the past.
Personally, I think it's arrogance to the Nth degree that Lennie
even remotely PRESUMES himself to be "civilized"...especially when
it's his profane, untruthful rantings herein that so lovingly endeear
him to us all.
BTW, we put our Amateur Radio gear on-line for the first time in the Mobile
Incident Command Center the other day. First contact was via CW with a
station in Iowa. Conditions for SSB were just not up to par. We just love
having all those tools in our communications kit.
We also tested our state of the art sat-phone/VTCs and wireless VOIP
network. They worked flawlessly -- what wonderful pieces of gear. We are
now completely wireless (including phone lines) so we can go wherever
needed. 21st Century comms at its best -- which means a mixture of the old
and new together to give us the strongest redundancy possible.
I spent the day at TEMA (Tennessee Emergency Management Agency)
EOC and GUESS what I found...?!?!
A rack of R F Harris gear DEDICATED to Amateur HF nets. Also, the
EOC has two operating positions for V/UHF, as well as a packet station
and a seperate UHF rig dedicated to the SKYWARN net.
Seems that TEMA and FEMA don't have the same cavalier attitude
about Amateur Radio that Lennie insists such governmental agencies do.
In the course of the discussion the California ACS came up.
Seems Lennie doesn't have all his facts together there, either...And
THAT came from the mouth of a FEMA officer...Not that I doubted Lennie
was wrong.
"I'm laughing at the superior intellect..." Again.
Steve, K4YZ