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  #24   Report Post  
Old March 22nd 04, 12:29 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article , "Arnie Macy"

"Len Over 21" wrote in part ...

Work on your SSB equipment some more. You couldn't reach Iowa.

Only God can improve atmospheric conditions. That's why we used CW.

Of course. SHARES uses CW all the time? Military HF radio?

Back a half century ago, the ACAN used SSB on a 24/7 basis as
primary mode of long-distance communications..."long" as in
500 to 8000 miles over water or land.

couldn't reach squat on SSB that day. Next test might show an improvement
in SSB capability. Sure hope so, it is our primary Ham mode.

You really ought to consult with Army Signal Corps folks on how
to do SSB on HF from true emergency condition locations. Ask
for "Nevis." :-)

Signal Corps has some neat portable-mobile-fixed relatively low-
power HF radios that Get Through on SSB. Hughes Aircraft
(Ground division) designed and made some of it in the 1980s.
You can really "fly" with some of that. :-)

Fort Gordon, GA. They're in the DSN directory. They're on the
Internet. Signal Corps center. Good smarts there. got it through the bureaocracy. :-)

Is the General Accounting Office (GAO) staffed with radio experts?

Actually, they have some very knowledgeable folks in their tech area.
Thanks for asking.

You cannot answer a specific question with a specific answer?

Does the GAO have RADIO EXPERTS?

Ask your "Nevis."