Thread: BPL NPRM v. NOI
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Old March 23rd 04, 04:09 AM
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(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message ...
Subject: When Was CB Created?
Date: 3/20/2004 8:43 PM Central Standard Time

(Steve Robeson, K4CAP) wrote in message
. com...
(Len Over 21) wrote in message


...and because it doesn't matter what anything Heil says about me
in here. I'm going to continue posting as *I* see fit and Heil is

so much QRM to work through...until the morse code test is
eliminated. Of course, by that time, I might change my mind and
NOT leave.

And as long as what you "see fit" to publish is so flagrantly
abusive and obviously in error, we will take great pleasure in rubbing
your nose (and that of your favorite marionette) in your foolishness.

Steve, tell us again how big Part 97 is. I need a good laugh.

If you need a good laugh, Brain, I'd suggest going back and re-reading
some of the lengthy posts that you and the other pathological liar have flooded
the NG with...Especially those about your skill as a DXer from entities wherein
you were not authorized to operate.

Now you're lying again. Why didn't you put it in your famous
"""quotation marks""" so we'd all know it was yet another lie?

And I don't remember saying how big Part 97 is,

Only because you don't know.

Brain...I said what Lennie
doesn't know about it could fill libraries.

Ever been to a library?

WRT Part 97, what Len may or may not know about Part 97 cannot be
greater than the total volume of Part 97. That happens to be one
small book. One small book cannot fill a single library, let alone
multiple libraries.

Them's the Facts.

Unless the laws of physics work differently for amateur radio.

Try to get THAT straigt too, Putz.

As an arrow.